The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Brief History of Old Empire


Before the Toram Era, all Land was in chaos. The poet and Minstrel called that period of continuous unrest "days and nights of blood and venom." The God were a petty lot of grasping tyrants, who fought adventurer attempts to bring order to the land. But they were as disorganized as they were dissolute, and the strong hand of adventurer brought peace forcibly to the Land. The year was Second Era.

There is 5 Nation before cataclysm, namely Republic of Parul, Slebinia Empire, Mithurna Federation, Kingdom of Darkan, and Ganaji.
Slebinia Empire
At the height of power, Slebinia Empire, amalgamation of tons of different countries, is reign by Empress Mezalluna the Second, which in toram we know her as Ancient Empress. According to her NPC, she is noble, beautiful and brave leader. Many refer her as "iron Empress". The commander for Slebinia empire is Delma.

​Her majesty make the Slebinia a great empire and she was brave enough to stand in front of ten thousand of enemy troop which make her citizen respect her to no end. At the end of her rule, she used different forced policies that unfair, heavy tax and come hard down on anyone who dare to voice any complaint, as act of treason. This become when sianas start become her tactician. The country slowly based on political of fear, under constant observation of machine and live everyday in state of sheer terror.

The capital of Slebinia is Imperial City Lograth in Surbina region. The Slebinia Empire has progressively increased its territory by exerting control over neighbouring countries. Its a greatest Empire in all Iruna at that time.The demographic of Slebinia is mostly Hume and Elves. But, due to status of empire, it has all races within the jurisdiction. All over the Empire, there is battle waging across people of different origin. 

Its science and Technology are also far supperior to that of other country.While other country rely on Goddess Beads for energy, Slebinia has an energy source far greater than that. Common citizen didnt know the details, but there is facility near the Imperial City Lograth called the Divine Furnace, as shown in picture. The furnace seems to produce infinite amount of energy, so running out of energy is out of question

​​Sianas manipulated Mezzaluna, the Empress of Slebinia, into thinking she can help her become a god. Mezzaluna believed her cause she was 'child of god' and knowing it's for her city, her people, Mezzaluna unknowingly did evil deeds for her. By the suggestion and help of Sianas, she made a Humenizer, a device to turn all other race to hume to quell with rebellion and make Slebinia racially homogeneous. Since General Delma step down, the machine or golem make appearance in war. 

Everyone in the empire used to look up on Empire military forces, but then, not only they have foreign troop, but also bunch of horrible machine. People who caught by treason are punishable by death or thrown into Algaotte, a place where anarchist and foreign spy is imprisoned (slebinia version of Gulag or concentration camp)​. Sianas also show that the divine furnace that she make is actually a trap which seep out Oritius, God of war, divine power and convert it into energy to be distributed across Slebinia. As long Oritius in the divine furnace, Slebinia will never run out of power.

The Slebinia turn into republic after death of empress Mezalluna, and govern by his general, Delma. We can still see Delma bloodline on Centerio Highlands.  The Empire capital city look like Athema ruin after cataclysm. Slebinia excel in technological feats and most of golem are made from Slebinia. Example of golem is Matar and maton Sword. Maton Sword is given to Mithurna Federation by Delma as goodwill and to guard the old Mithurna border

Parul Republic

​Republic of Parul is the first region in Iruna. It has many places including Fort Bailune and Bailune City. it's Capital City is Capital City Sofya.which is lead by Former Goddess of wisdom and Pino Mother, Sofys. The Commander of Parul is Venia. The Capital of the republic is Sofya City. In post-cataclysm, Sofya City become hub for Straye Faction. There has been a long war going on between Slebinia and Parul. One of Parul area in Bailune City, which appears to have been broken down by an explosion plotted by the Slebinians. 

The Armament Caravan people are the vanguard to the republic of Parul in the middle of a war against Slebinia. The Parul republic has two chief Consuls, Gulie and Pino. Pino is pacifist, but strict ruler while the Gulie is war-like, so she  wanna dispatch the capital defense corps to Bailune city, and asking L.adventurer to send a message to Commander Venia. Gulie also is the one cause problem in Parul republic, executing people without trial and send them to do impossible task.

There is also sometimes landslide and earthquake cause by dragon in Parul. Rokoko plain, cave and windhole is territory in Parul in pre-cataclysm, that contain Goddess Sofys statue. The main economy of Parul is Goddess beads ore mining. Hence, the chief consul take the charge of the excavation and search for new ore vein spot. Gulie, one of the consul, ordered huge volume of goddess beads, saying it to secure the future of Parul Republic. The miner said the consul send them to dangerous place all over the republic to look over, and they cant question the order. Legend said that it can be found in place where Specia, Goddess of Species, took her life. The location where special took her life is stated ancient scroll, in black and white description, where the prospector look for the vein. 

Parul is being attacked by many front, war with Slebinia Empire, war with Mithurna Federation and Invasion by Army of Darkness lead by Vatendeth. Invasion of Dark army is closer, and there is two key to open the dark gate into world of living, Right and Left key. One of them, the Right Key, is in hand of L.adventurer and Left Key still remain to world of living, close to Rokoko plain, where the forest witch, Rita hold them. She lives in Witch Hunter wood, and bear a grudge against Parul Republic because of something happen in the past, where she was persecuted as a evil witch. She lost her husband, her son and her right eye, and then she we left with bitter exile. Rita said she wanna use the key as a revenge to Parul, but she realized that perpetuating anger bitterness she felt at having lost things wont solve anything. The dark army come to her before and steal the key, so she beg the adventurer to return the Left Key. Then some veteran Dark Knight appeared and steal the Right Key from adventurer and open the gate to world of living.

The Dark Knight is spotted to run to Dragonlord Isle at Eastern Mountain, a dangerous place where it rumored that the Dragon Lord Kaiser had recently reawaken. When L.adventurer arrive, the dark night being destroyed by Kaiser because it disturb the Dragon Lord sleep. Kaiser give the key to L.adventurer, hence Parul now saved from Army of Darkness Invasion. Commander Venia ask the consul to released official statement to restore Rita the Witch good name.  

Later through adventures, L.adventurer realize that there has been a mastermind in this war that has manipulated the dark crystal control Grecia, turning her into Fallen Angel, Grecia. Grecia then manipulate Vatendeth to invade Parul and imprison Dunkelis, Goddess of Darkness.  After the war in dark realm, Commander Venia ask for reinforcement from the Consul to fight the front with Slebinia, where the supply route between Bailune City and Sofya City being sabotage. The Armaments Caravan and Parul soldier are desperatel to guard the frontline against the Slebinia troop, but they reach their limit as supply is dwindling and running low. 

When the Venia word reach Chief consul, Gulie wanna dispatch the capital defense corps to Bailune city, and asking L.adventurer to send a message to Commander Venia. But Pino reject them, saying Soyfa City will be defenseless and open to attack. Pino sternly reject Gulie advice saying that Defense Corps must not be compromised. Gulie then argue with Pino saying that she is heartless to let exhausted soldier to die in frontline and ignoring commander Velia request for reinforcement. Pino still say no and her duty is to Parul and its capital, which she sworn to protect them. Pino stat that Venia and his men is the best, they can hold out for few days. Gulie then attack argument Pino, saying her no commpassion and cold for her fellow man. Pino then say to Gulie back that she is heartless also, sending people to mine Goddess beads at risky place, causing them many pain and suffering.

Pino then uncover that the miner mostly doing shady business with Slebinia merchant on dark market, where they pay more than what Consul paid them. Pino say that, to run a proper government, feeling is not needed as it cloud judgement, and nothing more. She further said that feeling of Malevolent abuse of those Sympathy. Pino suspect that Gulie wanna start Coup-de-Etat after Defense Corps no longer in Capital City Sofya. Then Gulie leave consul hall saying this not over yet. Pino then depart from Sofya City to see the frontline, but someone send the Gilgobbles, variant of goblin assassin, to kill Pino and obstruct her from reaching frontline. Pino then start a new council to investigate this. 

For the past few days, there is unusually fierce wind has been battering from the coast. It causing damage to housing and important administration buildings. According pino scienctific advisor, if wind continue to get stronger at its current rate, it may even damage the fortifications the surround the capital. Pino suspect that the wind is not natural causes with such ferocity. Hence, investigation is carry out to find out what cause it. Turn out it was Sturm, a bird like monster, which is usually small but mutate to become big and infested with weird black crysta. The beating of the wing cause huge wind and gale. Then, some earthquake happen. New investigation is called, and townspeople said they see someone bring big things out of Gulie Manor. 

When the investigator go to Gulie Manor, she wasn't there. Since Goche Incident (the death of miner due to Gulie order), Pino assign number of soldier to keep her under surveillance, but last night she overpowered the guard and escape. Pino feared she might try to do something, like coup-de-etat. From the Knight Guild info, Gulie and her ambassador has been seen outskirt of Sofya city and headed to Corda Pass to the nearest coast. After a few days tracking, the investigator council found one of Gulie henchman, they manage to recover the huge Crysta of some sort. Pino wondering what sort of things Gulie is planning, but has a hunch it has something to do with earthquake and mutating monster. Some of the fisherman nearby the coast said that Guile had gone to Eeero Island with some huge crysta and weird machinery. 

The Pino and investigator council reach the Eero Island and found weird factory at center of the island. Inside the factory, they see Gulie welcoming them to the Wizard Gun Chamber. The room store massive crysta and Wizard cannon, where she said it took it years to develop. The wizard cannon exterminate the target by unleashing the power inside the huge Crysta. To use the wizard cannon, certain power, like huge concentration of goddess beads is needed, according to Gulie. The WizardLeon (wizard version of ProtoLeon) teach her how to make and use it. To synthesize the giant crysta, she force the miner to mine huge amount of Goddess Beads. After few years of forced labor, she have enough to synthesis giant crysta for wizard cannon. She aim to destroy Pino and Sofya City, hence become new leader of Parul Republic. Gulie also added they wont longer see Pino and Sofys as their leader, but Gulie as their new leader and God.

Hearing Gulie announcement, Pino strip her of the Chief Consul status and put her as traitor and blasphemous. Gulie threaten to vaporise all in the room with wizard cannon if the council wont swear allegiance to her and kill Pino. Gulie also ask Commander Velia to kill Pino, but he refuse and WizardLeon slash on Pino. He block the attack and protect Pino. Pino cast some spell and turn WizardLeon into rampage and kill Gulie. They kill the WizardLeon, but upon disintegrating, the weird Black crysta that used to infest Grecia, come out, absorb some of the huge crysta and fly away. 

They see the Gulie badly injured, and whispering something to Pino. She said that she develop wizard cannon as weapon to fight Slebinia Empire. She confessed to Pino, she use bribe and illegal money to fund the wizard cannon development. Gulie added that, as her sole purpose, is to develop a powerful weapon as a deterrence to other country, preventing them  from invading.  But after she witness power of WizardLeon and Dark Crysta, she hear whisper, with that power, you could be ruler of Parul and all Iruna. And more she hear, the more her dark intention grew. Hence, she seek Pino to execute her and forgive of her misdeed. Pino said, whether force of darkness were making gulie act outside her control, she still guilty of corruption and treason act. As a punishment, she will be demoted, have salary cut in half for 10 years and under strict surveillance.

After domestic affair being solved, Pino noted that capital and wibo city, a border town neighbouring the Mithurna Federation have been cut off. There is small battle near the border, but Pino can see that Mithurna is preparing for major assault for invasion, while they are busy in conflict with Slebinian Empire. Plus there is problem with water supply to the capital, which has to wane lately. Upon investigation from nearby lake, water flowing seems to be trickle and lake is started to shrink.

Its found that the remnant of Dark General that got into Iruna is loose nearby Sofya City, sabotaging the necessary infrastructure. Burnos is task with torching the flatland and farm, so Sofya will run out of food, Hydra to drain the water lake. The dark army try to invade Parul again by weaken it core infrastructure. The geology researcher then track why water wont flow to the lake, and it found out the ice cap on mountain didn't properly melt and continue to freeze. There is ice tower on top of the mountain, where Ice dragon reside.

 The Ancient Ice dragon, Eisen admit it freeze the water and build the ice tower, until it reaches heaven, to meet its Master, Goddess of water, Vassaria. The place is where past human seal Eisen, but Hydra release the dragon. Then Vasaria come, and stop the battle, stating that eisen is important to her. This is due to, when the War between God happen, Eisen the Ice Dragon, parted with his dragonkin to server and protect Vasaria. After the war, most of God leave Iruna. Vassaria wanted Eisen to accompany her, but other gods would not allow it. But she came back to Iruna and rebonded with Eisen, saying she wont leave Eisen anymore. Vasaria vow that she will make sure Parul Republic wont run out of water again. Pino after hearing this, relieved as there will be no drought, hence no water shortage or food shortage from destruction of farm and lake drying up.

After then, the investigator go to the wibu city. They faced strong resistance from Zolban and Halios, until Dunkelis herself come to call them back, stopping the invasion of Parul. Its noted that, according to Wibu City leader, Mithurna already started full force invasion and battle nearby. The battle seems to hits a deadlock where both side neither make advancement on each territory. There is some people take advantage of the situation, sending spies and sabotage party along the way. Some smuggle various illicit into Mithurna. Next part will be in Mithurna Federation Story.