The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Tribe and Race In Toram

The world of Iruna and Toram has 4 races of people named Species, as they were saved by Goddess Specia during the War of Gods in the ancient times. They are the main people who settle in the land of Iruna. Legend say that, Specia's tears fell to the earth, and onto the humans. Because the tears contained Specia's ability to create species, the human race was broken up into four different groups. The gods mourned Specia's death and reproached themselves for their folly: they left the world of Iruna. Several thousand years later; 

1. The humans, called the Humes; 

2. The Diels, with dog like ears; 

3. The Cule, with the childish appearance despite of their growth; and 

4. The mysterious Elves, worshiping the 12 gods of Iruna. 

The four groups, repeatedly, through alliance and rupture, continued to fight.

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Mainland Continent

Balft, Hume and The Black knight

Hume are basically humans. They mostly live in Parul and Slebinia. The main character and L.Adveturer is a Hume. Even hume not the smartest, nor the longest lived, nor are they the most powerful, but they still thrive to survive. Unlike Elves, they are not bounded by song of creation, thus....  [Read More]
Known member: Balft, Zaldo, Mezzaluna, Juan, Yunis, Zono, Albatif Tribe, Inje Tribe

Diels are originally an Nomadic-like warrior tribe living in Parul. However, some of them strayed from their ways and lived in thievery and created ... [Read More]

Originally descended from Low Elves, is race of short, stocky human-like creatures who are generally skilled in... [Read More]

They are people who live in wisdom, while some are assassins. Most of them live in Darkan, though some lived in Slebinia while others works as... [Read More]


The Dark Continent/La Turton/Akaku Desert

Dark Continent, which lies to the north of the continent of Elban. The continent used to be a part of iruna until it was separated by the war of the Gods, and Almas also says it is a continent to mark the symbol of their sin. This continent is part of a world known as Le Turton. Specia, before killing herself in the war, has given this land to those that she wanted to protect.The Dark Continent/La Turton has also 4 Species same of Iruna. They are named diffently. They are:


La Turton's counterpart of Humes who live in Asueta.


La Turton's version of Diels who live in Rueve, although there are males in their race.


La Turton's version of Elves who live in Hiems.

La Turton's counterpart of Cules who live in Tumnus.


Dammerung Continent

Dammerung is a small world floating near main continent. It is well balanced in nature. However, the place balance is being disrupted by something known as the Foreign Object. In this world of Dammerung, there exists two continents which hold the balance of nature. Nacht, the land of night, is ruled over by a person known as Ster. This land is protected by Cynthia, the Goddess of the Moon. The other continent is called Morgen, the land of the morning, which is protected by the God of the Sun. Dammerung also consists of a few races:

the Huma known to be a species likewise to us humans.

the Animo known to feature ears like Ster and for this race, the gods give them superior powers. Ster explains that Animo is like a mixture of the two races known as Elf and Cule in our world. 

There is also Festans, a species which cannot be seen with the naked eye but are coated in a ball of light. Some people call this species the "Aggregate of Energy". 

The species of Ventirs, which look similar to Diel in the world of Iruna. They have powers different to Animo, but to the other races, their race remains a mystery. They feature the look of beasts but can also take on the illusion of a human so some are suspected to be monsters or compared to them at least.

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