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​Beastarium Vocabulum

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Bestiarium Vocabulum is a book that catalogs beasts, including normal mob, boss, miniboss, event boss and special collaboration boss.

​This is book has 4 section: High Difficulty Boss, Boss, Miniboss and Normal Mob.

Boss Classification and Threat level



High Difficulty  Boss

- Usually had own portal
- As name suggest, the boss is hard. Full party is recommended
- May or may not has break point
- Have million of HP and multiple phase
- Threat level range from keter to Apollyon
- Drop unique/ rare item or equipment


- Fight in arena map
- Boss range from Easy to Ultimate. Can be solo or fight in full party 
- may or may not has break point
- Some may have million of HP and and may have multiple phase
- Threat level range from Safe to Keter
-  Drop item or equipment, sometimes better than blacksmith made 


Mini Boss
- Fight in open map, with mob around
- Boss is medium to hard. Can be solo or fight in full party
- No break point
- Some may have million of HP 
- Threat level range from Safe to Keter
-  Drop item or equipment, sometimes better than blacksmith made 


- Fight in open map
- Most is easy to kill. Can be solo or fight in full party
- No break point, some can be captured and tamed
- Low HP
- Threat level range from Safe to Keter
-  Drop item or equipment, but stat is low compared to blacksmith made ​

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