The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Sunday 25 July 2021



Have you ever heard about proration?

Proration is one of the factors of your strength, Basically it decreases damage of same type and increases damage of different type of attack. It's similar to the 3 types of attacks. We have 3 types of proration:

  • Normal
This is when you do an auto attack

Increases the damage for next physical skill or magic skill

Decreases damage for next auto attack

  • Physical

This is when you use a physical skill

Increases damage multiplier(or damage) for next auto attack or magic skill

Decreases damage multiplier(or damage) for next physical skill

  • Magic
This is when you use a magic skill

Increases damage for next auto attack or physical skill

Decreases damage for next magic skill

If you keep spamming one of the attacks, the damage will decrease

Let's say that you keep attacking an enemy with astute and the first damage is 3000,the second time you used that, the damage will decrease into 2990(maybe not like that),that is what do you call proration

Once a boss gets resistance to auto-attacks, his physical and magical resistance gets lowered

(or we can say he's more focused on defending your auto attacks that he forgot about defending your physical and magic attacks)

Here's some several things that can ruin a proration

- Weapon stability

Each weapon has its own stability, stability is the one that prevents proration to occur(if its 100%),there are some tricks to get 100% of stability, but it's only available on snipers, some other classes(such as dual sword) can have 100% of stability too, but its rare to find one

- Spamming combos

Alright, I guess its the time for all of you to realize that spamming combo can ruin your proration, why? because I already explain to you, if you keep repeating to attack the enemy with one ATK, they'll get used to it


If you spammed the combo impact>snipe, over and over again, you may notice how much the damage decreased, that's why you must spam combos over and over again

- some skills in your combo

You might been noticing this, but, some skills can heavily ruin your proration, most of these skills are basically skills you use in your combo

- peeps in your party

Not all people knows about proration, so there's might be lots of people who ignores warnings from the party leaders to don't spam their combos over and over, so, they ended up blaming the DPS

So what is proration on boss/mob/miniboss?

All boss/mini boss/mobs have initial proration ratio of 100% for each category i.e.

Phy100% magic100% auto100%

If you use any type of attack now it'll do 100% of its dmg

If you use a physical skill, this is how proration ratio will change:

Phy(100-x)% magic(100+y)% auto(100+z)%

This 'x', 'y' and 'z' are called proration rate of the boss or mob for physical, magical and basic attack

Now if you use a magic skill it'll do (100+y)% dmg of its regular dmg i.e. y% more damage, same goes to auto attacks +z% more damage.

but if you use a physical skill it'll do x% less dmg or (100-x)% of its regular dmg

Again if we use a physical skill, this will happen

Phy(100-2x)% magic(100+2y)% auto(100+2z)%

Now using a magic or auto atk will give 2y% more dmg

But 2x% less dmg for physical skill

It's and ideal time for using a magic skill or auto attack

Let's do an auto attack now

Phy(100-x)% magic(100+3y)% auto(100+z)%

You can guess what'll happen if we use a magic skill now right? 3y% more dmg,

Let's try using a magic skill

Phy(100)% magic(100+2y)% auto(100+2z)%

The magic skill will do good dmg, you can see physical proration rate is back to (100)% now. Good time to use an auto attack and raise it to (100+x)%

Let's try that

Phy(100+x)% magic(100+3y)% auto(100+z)%

After that use two magical skill then use auto atk and so on...

Well that's how proration works, too hard to digest in first try.


(read this part, it'll probably help understanding proration)

Let's consider a boss which have proration ratio of 25% for all 3 types.

And we'll use this combo on that boss

Astute>magic:javelin>magic:impact>trigger slash

(no combo tags used)

This is how the combo will work from proration's pov

Initial proration


Astute physical skill {does 100% dmg}

Proration after that

Phy75% magic125% auto125%

Magic: Javelin magic skill {does 125% dmg}

Proration after that

Phy100% magic100% auto150%

Impact magic skill {does 100% dmg}

Proration after that

Phy125% magic75% auto175%

Trigger slash physical skill {does 125% dmg}

Proration after that

Phy100% magic100% auto200%

So it was like this


Trigger slash(125%) and javelin(125%) did more dmg because of proration. It's actually good to use different type of skills before you use your main damaging skill.

For example:
Your main damaging skill is a magic skill(finale), if you use at least 2-3 physical skill or do auto attack before you use finale it's damage will increase(you'll notice it only if you have 100% stability, but that's not possible), tbh your pt members will prorate for your finale so using physical skills will only annoy them.

For physical damage dealers they can use impact and auto attack for proration.

Some extra info about proration

1. The proration ratio x, y, z is different for every boss/miniboss/mob

2. The minimum possible proration is 50% (you've seen my astute getting capped at 3319) and maximum possible proration is 250% (16448 astute)

3. If an auto attack gets missed or evaded then there's no proration

4. Every skill can prorate as long as they register a hit, doesn't matter even if missed or evaded

5. For magic skills like impact and the placed skills, they have to hit to prorate. (If you cast impact when your more than 3m away from your target then it won't prorate, same goes for finale, blast, wall and storm)

6. All skills and auto attacks prorate once only. Storm doesn't prorate 6 times, auto attack for dw doesn't prorate 6/4/3 times. Same goes to all other classes, even if you hit twice in 1 auto attack it's still 1 times proration(it's just the animation that changes, your total auto attack dmg is same regardless)

7. There's only 4 skills which are considered as physical skill but they prorate magically -tempest(blade skills), spinning slash(dual sword skill),punish ray(halberd skill) and red tear(dark power skill). Remember that they still need magical proration to increase their own damage. (if I find any other skills like these i'll add here)

8. Some info that mislead players is that paralysis shot, holy fist, pulse blade causes magical proration. Also I heard this when I was new to game that sunrise arrow causes magical proration and all auto attack after magic arrow causes magical proration.



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