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The Story so far.....

Thursday 26 August 2021

6th Arena Megiston The Champion Lvl 245



Boss Information


Boss Lvl: 245
Element: Fire 

- Emotion F
- Orichalcum Ore
- Revita Vii
- Megiston the Champ V

Notes: During first phase (HP>50%) its Weak when freeze, but the megiston acquire 50% motion speed
Good to lure to side to easy DPS for attack. At second phase (HP<50%) no motion speed.

Recommended Skill and Equipment:
- Damage to Element: fire on equipment
- Water element weapon or sub weapon
- Any skill that can inflict Freeze ailment status
i) Blizzard
ii) Phantom Slash
iii) Magic Skill such as javelin, blast and burst with water element weapon


Guild raid with tank point of View



Graphical boss attack pattern


Phase 1: (When More than 50% HP)

Attack pattern 1

Megiston will do this skill at both phase (1 & 2) with phase 2 activation is more faster compared to phase 1. Tank should flinch the moment megiston do bowling Blue AoE. Stun should be saved if flinch failed, because afterward it will do omnidirectional bowling blue AoE

Attack pattern 2

Megiston will do this skill at both phase (1 & 2) albeit in phase 1 is quite rare. In phase 2 however, the fan shaped blue bowling AoE will repeat after absolute burn bullet

Attack pattern 3

Megiston will do this skill only at phase 1. There is no prior AoE warning and its quite slow. Easy to maneuver and avoid. 

Attack pattern 4

The megiston will rush to tanker and do red area AoE. The it quickly the blue meteor AoE. The AoE might overlapped and be dangerous to DPS. Then it run again to tanker and do red AoE.

Attack pattern 5

Megiston will do this skill in both phase, but quite fast in phase 2. The good move is to maneuver and move around since the small red AoE is fractional.

Phase 2: (When Less than 50% HP)

Attack pattern 1

Usually megiston do this after it spew 3x meteor fireball to low aggro party member. Then he rush to player with kick and do full area AoE that inflict slow to non 100% ailment resistance player. Its advisable to cast recovery to party member during megiston firing the fireball.

Attack pattern 2

Megiston only use this pattern in phase 2 only. Its quite slow and easy to avoid. DPS should caution when it go to center because the Blue AoE (Storm) will target all party member.

Attack pattern 3

This attack pattern is not really dangerous to tanker, but for close-quarter melee player, its kinda risky because the red AoE combined with star shaped blue bowling AoE is quite deadly as the storm suction prevent DPS mobility.

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