The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Thursday 25 June 2020

God and Goddess

Goddess in Toram and Iruna is not immortal, they born and die. Each of them has own attribute.


Mainland Iruna

1. Almas, Father of Gods, Ruler of the never-ending skies

After cataclysm, the god rush to stitch the world together, but Almas seems to be dead. Seele zauga said specia can feel other god energy, but not Almas... [Read More]


2. Goddess of Species

Specia is goddess of Species during pre cataclysm, is the one who created hume, animal, plant and every single life form in this world. She was believed to be so beautiful that rivalry between male god in order to win her heart was said to have triggered a battle. Specia was extremely sad because so many people was killed in the fight, so she took her own life... [Read More]


God and Goddess Of Blessings

3. Goddess of Wisdom

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Sofys is goddess of wisdom during pre cataclysm.

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Then, Pino, Sofys holy child become new god of wisdom after cataclysm.


4. God of Justice

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post cataclysm Obligaus

Obligaus is god of justice during pre cataclysm. Then, Kunon, Obligaus holy child become new god of wisdom after cataclysm. [Read More]

5. God of Peace

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Freedos is god of peace during pre cataclysm.


Felinike: Goddess Of Fortune, Vice-goddess of Freedos

6. Goddess of Mercy

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Veltria is goddess of mercy during pre cataclysm.

and her Vice-Goddess of Mercy/Goddess of Affection, Pulis

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7*. Grecia, Goddess of courage

Grecia was no longer a goddess as she was thrown out from heaven because she didn't help in war.

Pre cataclysm

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infested grecia

Post Cataclysm

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post cataclysm

God and Goddess of Construction

8. God of Fire

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Flammel is god of Fire during pre cataclysm


9. Goddess of Water

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Vasaria is goddess of water during pre cataclysm


10. Goddess of Wind

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Stormia is goddess of wind during pre cataclysm


11. God of Earth

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Eldas is god of earth during pre cataclysm.


Special God and Goddess

12. God of War

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Oritius is god of war during pre and post cataclysm, but his whereabouts after cataclysm is unknown


13. Goddess of Darkness

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Dunkelis is goddess of darkness during pre and post cataclysm

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Delso is outer world dimension where 3 Great wizard open to call old God back to Toram, but instead Nurethoth come out of it. 

1. Nurethoth

Nurethoth, Leader of Roga creature and God of Delso.


Alternate Iruna

This Iruna has same names of nations (excluding Ganaji, as it is not originally part of Iruna) and people but with things switched like Mithurna and Darkan regions switched their status as desert region and giant tree region respectively.  Iruna has only 2: The Great God Almas and the Evil God Ouvel

1. Almas

Almas in alternate Iruna in black cloth

2. Evil God Ouvel

Almas have failed in their duty to control the world of Iruna, and it is now controlled by a being known as Ouvel, known to have slain Almas herself.



Holy land of xmas Knight that appeared in December.

1. Great Xmas Spirit

The Great Xmas Spirit is Navida  Great Spirit that protect the realm from anti Xmas energy and being.

2. Shawle, Anti Xmas Spirit

Shawle is main antagonist in joulu house xmas story. She can absorb xmas energy



1. Celesa, Great Spirit of Sakura Realm

. 2. Caylass, Great Spirit of Yozakura Realm



1. Dragon Lord Kaiser

2. Dragon Emperor



1. Cynthia

Cynthia, the Goddess of the Moon, protector of land of night, Nacht

2. Edmund

Cordal, the God of the Sun, protector of land of morning, Morgen



1. Kotoamatsu, God protector of Ganaji

God for Minase water people in Minaula

2. Sakimori no Ryu

Sakimori no Ryu is dragon protector of Kikeula

2. False God Isurugi

False god Isurugi is god that worshiped by Sanki clan in Minaula

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