The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Sunday 5 July 2020

The God of Justice, Obligaus.

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Obligaus in Hall of God

Obligaus is Xeltzam arc

Obligaus in post cataclysm 

 Aliases God of Justice
 Gender Male
 OccupationGod of Justice 
 RelativeKunon (daughter)
Specia (former Love interest)
Currone (Love interest) 
 Status Alive

There are 4 members in the Gods and Goddesses of Blessings. The Goddess of Wisdom Sofys, The Goddess of Mercy, Veltria,  The God of Peace, Freedos, and the God of Justice, Obligaus. He is one of former Iruna God that still alive

The God Obligaus has red locks of hair, has red markings on his face, and has elfin ears; a trait of deities.



" In the High steeps of Mount Mithurna, The God of Justice, Obligaus, drowns his sorrows and worries in ale" 

Obligaus likes to drink wine in freetime

After the War of the Gods, Obligaus ignored the orders given to him by Almas and he abandoned his post. After the death of Specia, he denounced himself of his godly title. The people of Mithurna regard him high, as they have been saved by Obligaus numerous times, and they let him stay and reside at the steeps of Mt. Mithurna.

Curonne's Ghost in Curonne Forest

Obligaus acts as Curonne's adviser as Curonne is the President of Mithurna Federation. Currone Garan, was once a thief and then she met Obligaus and her ways was set to realizing the federation of Mithurna.

As to appear and retain the title of deity, The God of Justice created his Holy Child, Kunon with the last of his powers.  He bestowed Kunon to the people of Mithurna and they deem the Holy Child as a blessing. Currone became Kunon's educator, as the Holy Child will be a Goddess and the next deity of Justice.

Obligaus always tells Kunon to think of Curonne as her true mother. The Holy Child grows fond of Curonne and likewise, Curonne eventually cherished Kunon as her own daughter.


Pre-Cataclysm Mithurna Arc

The God killing Trap :

Obligaus being in solidarity at Mt. Mithurna worried Curonne, shed always send messengers to him. But as time passed He would not even face the messengers. The Adventurer is sent to relay a message to the God of Justice, and in doing so it is discovered that the reason why Obligaus stays secluded at Mt. Mithurna is theres a God killing trap after him. He  hid it from Curonne, Kunon and the people of Mithurna as to not worry them.

At Morga, a gearwork machinery activates ones every month, and hunts down Obligaus. It is implied that the trap feasts on Gods. A magical device activates the God Killing trap, it is a winged creature name Schlingel. The Adventurer fights Schlingel and is defeated and by that, ensures Obligaus's safety.


Xeltzam Arc

Obligaus come to dragonewt realm to find the cure that infect him and her daughter, Kunon. He said the mysterious disease infect him and Kunon back in Mithurna. The disease cant be infected to human and other race, but only to godkind, as he explain. He has fairly good idea what cause it, as a few days before, Kunon was playing near Saterica city, the she caught weird fever. Her fever wont come down with any medicine, and she become weaker and weaker everyday. This make Obligaus worry and set to Dragonewt realm to trace the disease. From the clue, he remember Kunon when to place infested with strange bamboo monster, which have never seen before. He believe its the origin of the mysterious disease. 

Mea, the Mithurna Commmander, when to chase the monster and stumble upon a hole where the monster goes. The Obligaus said them to stand back and he will investigate. He jumped into the hole and warped into dragonewt realm. In front of him there is mysterious ruin, where he hope to trace back the monster and find cure. After entering the ruin, he stumble upon swarm of monster. 

In a nick of time, L.adveturer come and help him.  He and adventurer goes deep down into the ruin and find out the disease is causes by Xeltzam monster, Beelzedam. According to Beelzedam, they are under order of Xeltzam's Plague General to cause trouble and spread disease all over. The disease must have travel through the hole and going to Mithurna. Obligaus and L.adventurer then fight the monster and seal the hole, preventing the disease miasma from spreading.  

After that, Obligaus then try to go to the Dragonewt village to as for cure but everyone run away when they see his large figure looming. He thought he will never to get the cure at this rate. But his worries lessen as the hole being blocked now, so no more miasma or Xeltzam monster into the Mithurna. Alas, the disease worsen, and he cant move now if he wanted to, as he told the adventurer. He ask adventurer to help him find the cure. He didnt now worries about his death but, Kunon is what he worries about. So he forced himself to move and didnt give up to find the cure.

They go to nearby village but, the doctor got snatched by monster. The village got deserted and people being evacuated to Dragonewt capital, Beudraf because of constant monster raiding, carrying strange disease. The leftover villager said they being treated with special medicine by Dr Mugan. But Doc is not arround, so everyone is worried. Then they go to rescue the doctor. Obligaus body is paralyzed, so he stay in the village.

After a while tracking the Doc trail and kidnapper, they see the doc being engulfed into web like sac, and the Xeltzam general stood in front of it. The Xeltzam's Plague General, Magonza said he unlease the disease unto the world to make the land suitable for his kind. It got triggered when the L.adventurer call it predator, as it no longer mindless as they formerly. Magonza then being squashed by L.adventurer and shocked that a mere hume is stronger than dragonewt. Before death, it said that this may incurred the xeltzam wrath more, as they connected via hivemind and other general will take revenge.

Then, they rescue the Doc and make serum for people in village. The doc then give the serum to L.adventurer for Obligaus and Kunon. He said the he make the serum from his hunch that this will cure the disease that the brute spread. It may or may not works until they use it and cant offer any guarantees but certainly, he does he best according to his knowledge. L.adveturer then go back to Obligaus to deliver the Serum.

Oligaus said the poison spread all over, and he can barely speak. He said its not that bad if he and Kunon died and join Specia.  After that, L.adventurer as him to inject the serum. He said, keep all for Kunon, as she is more important. With sheer willpower and feel of relieve, he move his body even the pain is still throbbing in his body. L.adventurer insist him to get injected by small amount in fear that Obligaus might spread it again to Kunon. He then comply and inject the serum.

After adventurer inject, the colour come back to his cheek in an instant. He feel incredible and less sick now, like death-door is just around the corner before. He said his body is light as rain now, and can run toward Mithurna for Kunon. He said also that was powerful concoction and person who make it must be genius doc. With time running out, he thanked adventurer and make haste to Kunon with the cure. He afraid that this might cause Currone some grief if he didnt return, but there is silver lining. At least the diseased miasma and monster is blocked from reaching Mithurna.   

Then, he hear Kunon call from afar for his return. He lie shocked and say if that Kunon? Kunon beg Obligaus to back home. He thought Kunon was sick back at home. Then Currone interrupting. 

Obligaus said he need to go because he worried about kunon now and dont wanna make Currone sad and worried. He said he will go back to Mithurna from Dragonewt realm using light that Kunon make and his power, but must hurry as Kunon is growing weaker.

He then thanked the adventurer for the serum and will be careful about the amount he inject to Kunon. Then Currone interrupt again:


Toram Arc

Adventurer meet Obligaus at summit of mount Mithurna. According to him, human always make money from stealing his treasure. With the guard duty, he cant event find a glass to enjoy his alcohol. Then adventurer bring out a barrel of wine for Obligaus as per Kunon advice in advance before visiting the mount Mithurna.

Obligaus in awe because he didn't have alcohol for long time. He forgive the adventurer and tell he is sorry too because he thought they are archaeologist and human who stealing his treasure and booties. 

He thanks for the wine and  knew what they looking for as he see the "weak boy", the archaeologist Arrol whose intention may for archaeological investigation. This make Pelulu mad as she thought the party will be done for, but instead just a prank. Obligaus then state that nowadays, lot of rude archaeologist just screwing up and take his treasure without asking first. He is so sick of that, so thats why he put sick face everytime he see archaeologist. As apology, he will answer to all the adventurer question. 

They have a seat and Obligaus answer all their question, except Pelulu as she snooze up at back. He said after he handed over duty as God of Justice to Kunon, he watch over the ruin of Gods while living his retired life of solitude on summit of mount Mithurna. But recently. strange things has happen. Arrol ask if that the cloister, an intermediate realm between world of living and God shrine, as he read that alot in the old book. Obligaus said it obviously, but it form out of nowhere. 

Obligaus said he climbed them midwat up, and seems to connect to Ruin of Gods Temple and stretches all the way to another world. The ruin of god all devastated and no God live there anymore. He said its boring because same as looking at ordinary ruin. There is ancient custom that prohibit lower being from passing the place, but Obligaus make exception if the play with his Golem for a bit.

If they want to pass, they need to beat the golem, Zelbuse. Then, adventurer and Pelulu defeat it.

He feel disappointed when they broke the golem because he said it took him alot of time to restore it. But he can feel that adventurer party will be okay across the cloister beyond as they impressed him by defeating the Zelbuse. He warn them not to climb too high because he didnt know what lurk above, as he never go that high. He said the might be hole to another that may suck the party to unknown land.  

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