The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Saturday 27 June 2020

Shot Skill Tree

1. Power Shot                     Limit  

MP Cost: 100
Damage Type: Physical
Game Description: "Shoot the target with stronger power. The charge time reduces as the skill levels up. Chance to inflict [Tumble] on the target. Critical rate increases on Slowed targets."

Base Skill Multiplier: 1.25 + 0.05 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 50 + 8 * Skill Level

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: 16m

Skill Effect:
- This skill has an innate Motion Speed penalty of (155 - 10.5 * Skill Level)%;
​the penalty is applied as follows:
Power Shot Animation Time Modifier = Animation Time Modifier * (1 + Motion Speed penalty/100)
- This skill gains Critical Rate +(5* Skill Level)

Ailment: Tumble
Base Ailment Chance: 20% + (3 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 3 seconds
Ailment Cooldown:
  • 3 seconds (Easy and Normal)
  • 6 seconds (Hard)
  • 12 seconds (Nightmare)
  • 18 seconds (Ultimate)
 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Tumble chance +40%
Motion Speed penalty -50%
Tumble chance -40%

- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats

2. Bulleyes                             Limit  

MP Cost: 200
Damage Type: Physical
Game Description: "Consecutively shoot at a point. The damage dealt increases attack by attack."

Base Skill Multiplier: 0.25 + 0.05 * Skill Level; multiplier for each hit
Base Skill Constant: 30 + 4 * Skill Level; constant for each hit

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 3 hits; dodge, Evasion, Guard, Anticipate, Guard Break and critical calculations are done for the first hit, then copied for the other hits; the rest of damage calculation is done for each hit
Maximum Cast Range: 12m

Skill Effect:
This skill has Physical Pierce +(4 * Skill Level)% on the second hit
Physical Pierce +(8 * Skill Level)% on the third hit

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +0.25
Second hit's Physical Pierce +10%
 third hit's Physical Pierce +20%

- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats

3. Arrow Rain                          Limit  

MP Cost: 300
Damage Type: Physical
Game Description: "Shoot a lot of arrows to the sky. The arrows fall down at intervals and deal damage."

Base Skill Multiplier:
- Multiplier for each hit
   (level 1) = 1
   (levels 2 and 3) =1.1
   (levels 4 and 5) = 1.15
   (levels 6 and 7) = 1.2
   (levels 8 and 9) = 1.25
   (level 10) = 1.3

Base Skill Constant:
- Constant for each hit
  (levels 1 and 2) = 60
  (levels 3 and 4) = 70
  (levels 5 and 6) = 80
  (levels 7 and 8) = 90
  (levels 9 and 10) =100

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count:
(levels 1 and 2) = 1 hit 
(levels 3 to 5) = 2 hits 
(levels 6 to 8) = 3 hits 
(levels 9 and 10) = 4 hits 
{damage calculation is done for each hit}
Maximum Cast Range: 12m

Hit Range:(radius)
around position of target when the skill is cast
(levels 1 to 3) = 1.5m 
(levels 4 to 6) = 2m 
(levels 7 to 9) = 2.5m 
(level 10) = 3m 

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Hit Range +2m
Hit Count is doubled
Skill Multiplier +0.7

- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats
- Triple Thrust's Skill Constant buff is divided by the Hit Count

4. Snipe                                  Limit  

MP Cost: 400
Damage Type: Physical
Game Description: "Snipe a weak point. The charge time decreases as the skill levels up. Chance to inflict [Armor Break]. 100% chance to hit Blind targets."

Base Skill Multiplier: 7 + 0.1 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 300 + 10 * Skill Level

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: 16m

Charge Time:
(levels 1 and 2) = 5 seconds 
(levels 3 and 4) = 4 seconds 
(levels 5 to 7) = 3 seconds 
(levels 8 and 9) = 2 seconds 
(level 10) = 1 second 

Skill Effect:
 - This skill gains the Perfect Aim attribute when the target has the Blind ailment
 - This skill has a total Critical Rate penalty of (75 - 5 * Skill Level)%;

the penalty is applied as follows:
Snipe Critical Rate = Total Critical Rate * (1 - Critical Rate penalty/100)

Ailment: Armor Break
Base Ailment Chance: 50% + (2 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 5 seconds
Ailment cooldown:
  • 3 seconds (Easy and Normal)
  • 6 seconds (Hard)
  • 12 seconds (Nightmare)
  • 18 seconds (Ultimate)

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +2
Armor Break chance +30%
Total Critical Rate penalty -25%
Skill Multiplier +3
Charge Time -0.5 seconds
Armor Break chance -60%
- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats
- Has Dual Element attribute (gets extra element from Arrow sub)

5. Crossfire                                         Limit  

MP Cost: 400 (buff cast)/ 0 (attack cast)
Damage Type: Physical
Game Description: "Charge Skill (5 Levels). Attack toward a target and deal damage in a straight line. Power increases as the charge level increases and add an attack. Add another attack by meeting certain conditions."

Main Hit Skill Multiplier: (4 + 0.5 * Skill Level) * number of charges
Additional Hits Skill Multiplier: 2; skill multiplier for each hit
Decoy Hit Skill Multiplier: (0.8 + 0.1 * Skill Level) * number of charges

Main Hit Skill Constant: 300 + 10 * Skill Level
Additional Hits Skill Constant: 300 + 10 * Skill Level; constant for each hit
Decoy Hit Skill Constant: 60 + 2 * Skill Level

Hit Count: 1 hit (Main Hit and Decoy Hit); number of charges - 1 (Additional Hits); damage calculation is done for each hit
Maximum Cast Range:
Buff cast: Unlimited
Attack cast: 12m
Hit Range: Length of 100m and radius of 1m; from the caster's position (Main Hit)/ main target (Additional Hits)/ length of 100m and radius of 1m; from the decoy's position (Decoy Hit)

Skill Effect:
 - If you use the attack cast while you have no charges, it will fizzle (and your avatar will look puzzled)
 - This skill will add an additional hit if a decoy from Decoy Shot is active
 - If the attack cast has the same Combo Tag as the buff cast did, the Combo Tag of the attack cast will be ignored
 - The Combo Multiplier carries over from the buff cast; this takes into account if the attack cast's Combo Tag is ignored;

the total Combo Multiplier is calculated as follows:
Cross Fire Total Combo Multiplier = Attack Cast Combo Multiplier + Buff Cast Combo Multiplier - 100

Buff Effect:
 - The next cast of Cross Fire becomes 0 MP
 - Gains charges over time, starting at 0 charges

Maximum charge limit-
(levels 1 to 3) = 2
(levels 4 to 6) = 3
(levels 7 to 9) = 4
(level 10) = 5

Time for each charge:
(first charge) = 1 second 
(second charge) = 2 seconds
(third charge) = 5 seconds 
(fourth charge) = 10 seconds 
(fifth charge) = 17 seconds 
Buff Duration: Until you cast Cross Fire again OR until you get hit if you have no charges

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Main Hit Skill Multiplier +(1 * number of charges)
Radius of Main Hit +1m
Additional Hits Skill Multiplier +1
additional hits physical pierce depends on DEX

- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats
- The current charge must be completed before proceeding to the next charge
- If you get hit, the skill will stop charging; if you get hit while you have no charges, the buff is removed
- Gets extra damage from elemental Arrow sub

6. Moeba Shot                         Limit  

MP Cost: 100
Damage Type: Physical
Game Description: "Shoot with sticky liquid. Water element attack. Dual Element with Arrow. Chance to inflict [Slow Down] on the target."
Element: Water; has Dual Element attribute (gets extra element from Arrow sub)

Base Skill Multiplier: 1 + 0.05 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 50 + 5 * Skill Level

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: 14m

Ailment: Slow
Base Ailment Chance: 50% + (2 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 10 seconds
Ailment Cooldown:
  • 3 seconds (Easy and Normal)
  • 6 seconds (Hard)
  • 12 seconds (Nightmare)
  • 18 seconds (Ultimate)

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Slow chance +30%
Skill Multiplier +0.5
Slow chance -30%

- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats
- Gets extra damage from elemental Arrow sub

7. Paralysis Shot                  Limit  

MP Cost: 300
Damage Type: Physical
Game Description: "Shoot the target with a paralysis poison. Wind element attack. Dual Element with Arrow. Chance to inflict [Paralysis] on the target. Increase your Stability for a while."

Element: Wind; has Dual Element attribute (gets extra element from Arrow sub)

Base Skill Multiplier: 1.1 + 0.05 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 100 + 20 * Skill Level

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: 14m
Buff Effect: Stability +(Skill Level)%
Buff Duration: 10 seconds

Ailment: Paralysis
Base Ailment Chance: 50% + (2 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 10 seconds
Ailment Cooldown:
  • 3 seconds (Easy and Normal)
  • 6 seconds (Hard)
  • 12 seconds (Nightmare)
  • 18 seconds (Ultimate)

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +1
Paralysis chance +20%
Skill Multiplier +1.5
Paralysis chance -20%

- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats
- Gets extra damage from elemental Arrow sub

8. Smoke Dust                     Limit  

MP Cost: 500
Damage Type: Physical
Game Description: "An attack with a smokescreen. Dark element attack. Dual Element with Arrow. Chance to inflict [Blind] on the target. Increases accuracy rate for a while."

Element: Dark; has Dual Element attribute (gets extra element from Arrow sub)

Base Skill Multiplier: 1.2 + 0.05 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 200 + 30 * Skill Level

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: 14m

Buff Effect: Accuracy +(Skill Level²/2 + 5 * Skill Level)
Buff Duration: 10 seconds

Ailment: Blind
Base Ailment Chance: 50% + (2 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 10 seconds
Ailment Cooldown:
  • 3 seconds (Easy and Normal)
  • 6 seconds (Hard)
  • 12 seconds (Nightmare)
  • 18 seconds (Ultimate)
 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +2
Blind chance +20%
Skill Multiplier +2.5
Blind chance -20%

- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats
- Gets extra damage from elemental Arrow sub

9. Arm Break                         Limit  

MP Cost: 700
Damage Type: Physical
Game Description: "Attack a target's arm and reduce its attack power. The base element is Neutral and it has Dual Element(Arrow). Chance to inflict [Lethargy]."

Element: Neutral; has Dual Element attribute (gets extra element from Arrow sub)

Base Skill Multiplier: 1.3 + 0.05 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 300 + 40 * Skill Level

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: 14m

Ailment: Lethargy
Base Ailment Chance: 50% + (2 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 10 seconds
Ailment Cooldown:
  • 3 seconds (Easy and Normal)
  • 6 seconds (Hard)
  • 12 seconds (Nightmare)
  • 18 seconds (Ultimate)
 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +3
Lethargy chance +20%
Skill Multiplier +3.5
Lethargy chance -20%

- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats
- Gets extra damage from elemental Arrow sub

10. Shot Mastery                                 Limit  

MP Cost: 0
Skill Type: Passive
Game Description: "Get better at using bows and bowguns. ATK of Bows and Bowguns increases."

Passive Effect:
Weapon ATK +(3 * Skill Level)%;
ATK +1% (levels 1 and 2)
ATK +2% (levels 3 to 7)
ATK +3% (levels 8 to 10)

11. Sneak Attack                                               
 No Limit 

MP Cost: 400
Skill Type: Buff
Game Description: "Hide yourself and turn Aggro away. Certain attacks don't get Aggro after this skill."

Buff Effect: For the next (Skill Level) auto attacks and attacking skills, you will not gain aggro
Buff Duration: (Skill Level) auto attacks and/or attacking skills

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
MP Cost -200
MP Cost -200
- Support skills and non-attacking skills (including Sneak Attack itself) will still draw aggro, but they will not decrease the attack/attacking skill count.
- Available with all weapons

12. Long Range Mastery                               
 No Limit 

MP Cost: 0
Skill Type: Passive
Game Description: "You become good at attacking from distance. Damage dealt from 8 meters or more increases."

Passive Effect: Increases the damage of all skills that have a Maximum Cast Range of 8m or higher by (Skill Level)%
Some skills are unaffected

13. Quick Draw                                                
 No Limit 

MP Cost: 0
Skill Type: Passive
Game Description: "Quickly prepare for the next move. Chance to restore MP a little when succeeding in attacking with a skill."

​Passive Effect: Whenever an attacking skill that consumes MP is used, you have a (3 * Skill Level)% chance to recover 100 MP

- Support skills, non-attacking skills, and attacking skills that do not consume MP will not activate this skill. This includes the effects of combo tags and MP Cost modifiers.
- Available with all weapons

14. Decoy Shot                                              
 No Limit 

MP Cost: 400
Skill Type: AMPR Buff
Game Description: "Generate a clone and make it attack. The clone attacks enemies attacking within the range. The clone's attack is normal attack but it has no proration."

Base Cast Time: 1 second; affected by Cast Speed
Maximum Cast Range: Theoretically infinite (limited to 100m)

Skill Effect:
- Places a decoy that auto attacks as long as the main target is within its range; full Attack MP Recovery and Aggro applies, but the decoy doesn't prorate
- The decoy will attack based on your Attack Speed, but has a minimum auto attack delay of 0.001 seconds
- Duration:
(level 1) = 10 seconds 
(level 2) = 12 seconds 
(level 3) = 14 seconds 
(level 4) = 18 seconds 
(level 5) = 22 seconds 
(level 6) = 28 seconds 
(level 7) = 34 seconds 
(level 8) = 42 seconds 
(level 9) = 50 seconds 
(level 10) = 60 seconds 

Decoy Auto Damage Type: Neutral
Decoy Auto Element: Neutral
Decoy Auto Multiplier: 0.2 + 0.08 * Skill Level

Decoy Hit Count: 1 hit
Decoy Hit Range: Defaults to the weapon's Auto Attack Max Range

- The decoy's Decoy Auto Multiplier is unaffected by auto attack damage increasing effects
- The decoy is affected by Combo Tag effects when you cast Decoy Shot in a combo
- Dual Swords benefit from their doubled Attack MP Recovery on the decoy, but the damage only scales with their main hand ATK
- The decoy will only attack the mob/boss you are targeting
- The skill and the decoy bypass Sneak Attack's effect
- Power Wave DOES NOT affect the decoy's range
- The decoy will be affected by Attack MP Recovery changes even while active, but the skill must be recast for the decoy to be affected by Attack Speed changes
- For non-bow and non-bowgun user, if decoy is hit by an AOE it's auto-attack delay is increased by 1 sec (for each hit) for next auto-attack. Maximum delay is 3 sec ( 3 hits by AOE) 
- Available with all weapons

15. Fatal Shot                               Limit  

MP Cost: 200
Damage Type: Physical - Physical Proration
Game Description: A shot skill that pierces through a strong armor. It's a unique attack with a high critical rate, but low accuracy. If it hits the target right, the tap time to break monster's part will be extended.

Base Skill Multiplier: 0.12 + 0.06 * Skill Level; 
Base Skill Constant: 150 + 5 * Skill Level; 

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Activation range: 14m
Skill effect:
- This skill can extend tap break time: Floor (skill level/2),
  • 1 seconds (Level 1 - Level 2)
  • 2 seconds (Level 3 - Level 4)
  • 3 seconds (Level 5 - Level 6)
  • 4 seconds (Level 7 - Level 8)
  • 5 seconds (Level 9 - Level 10)
Level 10 = additional 5 second tap time. {If skill attack hit as graze, it still extend the tap time}
- This skill has innate Critical Rate +(10* Skill Level) 
- This skill has 25% physical pierce at level 10 

- This skill is affected by Whack, Long Range and Short Range Damage/Long Range Damage stats

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