The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Tuesday 27 July 2021


 It's time to understand about the Unsheathe Attack and its multipliers.

What exactly is "Unsheathe"?

Unsheathe Attack is a special attack when your weapon is taken from your back, or rather, by unsheathing your weapon from its holster. This I can apply for self attacks but also some skills in the game.

This statistic has two types: the Flat Unsheathe Attack and the Unsheathe Attack+%.

First of all, we need to know which ones are considered as Unsheathe Attack. Therefore, we will display a list:

For users who do not use katana:

-First self-attack made against the boss

-Auto attack after being Guard

-Auto attack after being Evaded

-Auto attack after approaching with Shukuchi

-Auto attack after using Shadow Step (DW) as well as skill Charging Slash (DW)

-Auto skill in dual sword (Flash Blast), Ninja (Lightning) and magic warrior (Enchanted Blade)

For katana users:

-All the self attacks you do with katana

-Most skills except Garyou Tensei and Pommel Strike

(These attacks are affected by the Unsheathe Attack and Unsheathe Attack% statistics).

Now let's see how they act in the damage calculation formula. Remember that in chapter four we let step 3 pass, now you will see what the reason for this was. But there is also something curious, the Flat Unsheathe Attack acts first than the Unsheathe Attack%. These are an exception to the rules.

Let's fix the issue of the step we left behind:

Final Damage (Step 3) = Final Damage (Step 2) + Flat Unsheathe Attack

Final Damage (Step 6) = Final Damage (Step 5) * (1 + Unsheathe Attack%)

As you'll notice, the Unsheathe statistics take a direct increase value in damage, so let's complete the total formula a bit more:

Final Damage = (Base damage - DEF + flat unsheathe attack [If the attack/skill is unsheathe] + skill constant) * skill multiplier * Total critical damage [If critical] * (1 + unsheathe attack%/100) [If the attack/skill is unsheathe] * Other multipliers missing to see

Is this important?

If it's important as long as the build you use has skills considered Unsheathe after you've covered your other important stats.

How to increase this?

Using equipment, Crysta and buffs

You can get equipment with unsheathe stats, Crysta with these and also some skills like GodSpeed orFlash Blast.

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