The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Tuesday 27 July 2021


Critical are the first multiplier that amplifies white damage and if you're a physical class, it's one of the very important stats for us. In this chapter, we will explain about Critical Rate and Critical Damage.

What is Critical Rate and Critical Damage?

Critical Rate is the probability that a physical hit will be considered a critical hit. On the other hand, Critical Damage is the increase in damage for a hit that is considered a critical hit.

Critical Rate represents the chance to make a critical hit and follows the following formula:

Total Critical Rate = (25 + CRT/3.4)*(1 + Critical Rate%/100) + Flat Critical Rate

While Critical Damage is the multiplier used for critical hits with the following formula:

Total Critical Damage = (150 + STR/5)*(1 + Critical Damage%/100) + Flat Critical Damage

And finally, if the blow was critical, this will multiply your target damage by turning it into yellow damage with the following formula:

Final Damage (Step 5) = Final Damage (Step 4) * Total Critical Damage/100

Is this important?

If you are a magician who only uses magical skills go to chapter 7. But if you are a physical class, you should keep this in mind that it can increase your blank damage by 50% or more. Another important thing, A CRITICAL HIT IS NEVER AVOIDED (Except for the Evasion Rate ability%) by the enemy's Dodge or Flee statistic.

How can I increase the Critical Rate?

Get teamed with Critical Rate stats

It's easy to increase this with weapons or armor with stats in Critical Rate as well as Additional, Special or Crysta.

Using skills that drive Critical Rate

There are skills that give an extra bonus in the critical rate such as Astute or Meikyo Shisui. But there are also skills with Critical Rate reduction such as Snipe and Stike Stab.

Place Point is the CRT statistic

We can place some points in the custom CRT statistic that is unlocked at level 40. But this will depend on your team and skills you use.

How to increase Critical Damage?

Place point is the STR stat

This depends on your character as it can benefit in an increase in attack, stability (it depends on your weapon) and a bit of ASPD. 5 STR point add to 1 critical damage.

Using equipment with Critical Damage

Items with Critical Damage% are more effective in classes with STR as the main statistic. But for those who don't have STR as your primary, it's best to use Flat Critical Damage as an option, such as in item with full critical stat.

Use skills with Critical Damage boost

Sadly there are not many skills that work as expected, but they do exist. If you want to know which ones, go to the skills information section on wiki.

How to balance the ATK, Critical Rate and Critical Damage?

Everyone asks this question when creating new builds, so we'll go and see more formulas:

When Normal Damage attack

Average White damage (short version) = Final Damage (Step4) * (1 -  total critical rate/100)*x

Average White damage (Extended version) =  (Base Damage -DEF +Y + skill constant)* Skill multiplier* (1 - Total critical rate/100) * x

When Critical Damage Attack

Average Yellow Damage (Short Version) = Final Damage (Step 4) * (Total Critical damage/100) * (total critical rate/100) * x

Average Yellow Damage (extended Version) =  (Base Damage - DEF +Y + Skill constant) * Skill Multiplier * (Total Critical Damage/100) * (Total critical rate/100) * x

Average DPS (when it comes to critical) =  average white damage + Average yellow damage

  •  X means more multipliers that will be seen in the future
  • Y means multipliers that will be seen in the next chapter

All this is defined in two options, whether you make criticism or not.

Which is better, more ATK or more Critical Damage?

This depends a lot on your build:

  • If the skill has high Skill Constant is better Critical Damage
  • You have high Critical Rate is better Critical Damage
  • You have enough ATK% then it is better Critical Damage
  • You have too much Flat Critical Damage/Critical Damage% then it is much better ATK% in many cases

What about the Critical Rate reduction of Snipe or Strike Stab?

In the skills section located on Wiki, you will find the Snipe and Strike Stab formulas to calculate how much criticism they possess when using that skill.

Be careful, since these formulas are only used to find the Critical Rate of those skills and not your Critical Rate Total.

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