The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Sunday 25 July 2021

Cast Speed System


Charge time and cast time are decreased as CSPD gets higher. Doesn't affect some skills.

(Finale, Warcry of Struggle, Power Shot and Snipe are unaffected by this. Every 20 CSPD reduce Cast Time by 1%, to a maximum of 50% at 1000 CSPD. After that, 180 CSPD are required to reduce it further by 1%.)

1000 CSPD    :     -50% cast time

3000 CSPD    :     -61% cast time

5000 CSPD    :     -72% cast time

7000 CSPD    :     -83% cast time

9000 CSPD    :     -94% cast time

10,000 CSPD :     -100% cast time

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