The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Saturday 3 July 2021

Inje People

Appearance of Inje Elder

Inje People are the ethic minority that lives near Geist Desert in the past, which is before cataclysm. Inje were hunter-gatherer, in which most or all food is obtained by foraging, collecting or gathering wild plants and pursuing or hunting wild animals and lives near the mountain. They carve the mountain to make their home and put totem in between. The remarkable feature of Inje people is they wear the head cowl with feather, the face mask covering lower part of their mouth and big yellow eyes, which the appearance retain the same even after cataclysm. Their clothes resemble a bit like diel clothing but with poncho overcoat. The elder wear elaborate head cowl with bone necklace and more exquisite overcoat. They worship the Goddess of Courage, Grecia. After cataclysm, we can see 2 group of Inje diaspora settle at Dea Runea and Lunagent Cliff Base, which the prior is already abandoned. 

An altar dedicated to Grecia with fruits as offering

Inje people's insignia along with their tribal flag.

Inje lady can be seen wearing the traditional tribal robe, while the Inje man can be seen wearing the tribal shirt with pants.

The Inje People weapon of choice is Scimitar.

After post Cataclysm, they seem to have domesticated Pojo, which can be seen around the Inje Village on the Lunagent Cliff Base.


Inje People were native of the land near Geist Desert, but they were driven out by the ancestor of Diels to the edge of land, probably during Second Era when gods is fighting a proxy war by using nation and tribe as mere pawn.

Pre Cataclysm Geist Desert


Diel establish the Kleya City near the Inje settlement, where it can be seen that Inje come to one of the Diels restaurant to steal food. 

The citizen of the Cleya City mention they don't like outsider like Diels, but welcome any people that non-Diels. This is probably because of conflict in the past and cause Inje to lose their land. According to the Diels restaurant owner, when they see Diels around, they will come running and attack.

Pre Cataclysm

The Diels story arc in Iruna begin where adventurer must steal Golden Idol, which is statue of Grecia, as form of payment because the Inje been stealing the food 

Inje people always wary of outsiders, where they will attack if provoked. After a bit of reasoning, especially if the adventurer is not diel, they can be persuaded to let adventurer enter their settlement.

The Inje man said north of their settlement is where the Inje Goddess is, which is Goddess of Courage, Grecia. They wish for the Grecia to return and grace them with her presence.

Adventurer then meet with their elder, Kubron, He said that they having celebration. When ask why its happy time and doing celebration, he tell that Grecia have come and grace them once more and that is the greatest happiness that Inje can have. The celebration is actually a blessing for Inje people to have war with Diels and take back their land. He mention about the story where the Inje people nearly being driven out from the desert by Diels in past, presumably when ancestor of Diels building nation of Saterica for Diels.

When they were nearly wiped out from war with the Diels, Grecia save them and give them protection, just like Oritius acting as a guardian for Slebinia people. Grecia insisted that instead of rallying the Inje against the Diel, she protect them and let them settle near the edge of Geist Dessert. This make Oritius angry for not supporting the war against Diels and Mithurna Federation. Then Grecia disappear because she was stripped of her power and banished to the Dark Realm from God Realm  The Inje pray for her to return and their prayer answered where Grecia can be found in Inje Cave, north of their settlement.

When adventurer go to Inje cave, the one who appeared is false Grecia that formed from crystal of Specia Tear, when she kill herself, feeding on hatred of Grecia toward Oritius. The false Grecia ask if adventurer wanna go for another round of battle after the incident in Dark Realm before Grecia Purification story arc.

The False Grecia also mention that it able to regain power by using hatred of Inje people toward Diels and feed on their negative energy. The false Grecia also said it plan to use Inje as pawn to wage war and conquer the whole Mithurna.

Then, real Grecia appeared after her rehabilitation due to infestation of Specia's Tear. She then aid the adventurer to defeat the fake Grecia.

During rehabilitation, Grecia stays in Dark Realm where Dunkelis, Goddess of Darkness, took pity on her and heal her after Grecia being kicked out from the God Realm and infested with Specia Tear. The negative energy from Grecia hatred to Oritius for what he has done, turn into her dark self and manipulating the Inje People.

False Grecia then said, two Grecia is unnecessary and the dark one should stay to conquer the Mithurna from Diels. But due to False Grecia stronger power from negative energy, it overtake the Grecia. It also mention that Grecia is nothing more than a broken Goddess, as we can see in post cataclysm, there is crack on her right face. 

The adventurer then help Grecia to defeat the False Grecia. It then stumble and disintegrating, releasing half of Grecia power back to original Goddess. The remaining piece of the crystal run away by seeping into ground.

Grecia warn that someday in future the crystal may someday appeared again after its energy recovered, and ask to be on alert. We can see that it appeared again in post cataclysm in form of Coenubia.

Grecia then appeared among her worshipper of Inje people and ask to stop the war between Diels.
Grecia First Advent

The Inje people were shocked that the Grecia appeared to them and grace in their presence to them in her real form. She give the speech to end war with Diels and to move on. This is because she afraid the negative energy will be used by the survived crystal to regain power and wreck havoc again on the land.

She then praise the Inje for having pure devotion to her, despite all the suffering the tribe gone through, and persuade the Inje to live in new era of harmony.

Grecia said she will be watching them from Dark Realm because she need to recover her power with Dunkelis help.

The Elder of Inje, Kubron then make a pledge on behalf of all Inje people to end hostility with Diels and honour Grecia wish.

Post Cataclysm 

After Cataclysm, the Inje settle around Dea Runea, as we can clearly see the architecture and the statue of Grecia. This is probably invasion from other dimension monster, which is demonic eye and demonic quasar that cause the settlement to be abandoned.

Abandoned Inje Settlement at the Dea Runea

Statue of Grecia overlooking abandoned Inje settlement

Abandoned Inje house

New Inje Settlement at the Lunagent Base Cliff

Even after cataclysm, Inje people is wary of outsider, where no outsiders are allowed, just like in pre cataclysm.

As mentioned by Pelulu, Inje originally natives that lives in the desert, and after catalysm, they become nomad and went separate ways. Some of them made settlement in Dea Runea, which has been razed, which cause them to be scattered around and live as a nomad.

When Pelulu ask, why ethnic minority that live in the desert come to settle near Lunagent Cliff Base. They said that, the feel the presence of Grecia energy in in that area. The scattered Inje then who felt the energy follow it and gather around the area to build the settlement.

That was the time when player was fighting Anono in Evil Crystal Beast form and nearly dead, then Grecia show up, shooting the light arrow, saving the player.

The energy that sprang up which being felt by the Inje might be the light arrow that Grecia shot. Inje people really admire Grecia, because she is guardian of Inje People, just like God of war Oritius was a guardian to Slebinia people. This cause excitement to Inje people because they are new generation that never see Grecia in flesh, only through the story via passed down by their ancestor. They bow down in respect to player which had fought alongside Grecia, and ask player to tell the story to the villager

The Inje Elder then meet with player, and thankful because can hear the story about the player who fought alongside Grecia in dark realm. As noted from the Inje Elder, Grecia save the Inje people from warring with Diels and defeated fake Grecia during pre Cataclysm. Player too, being saved by Grecia, make Inje think that makes two of them, with similar relationship with Grecia.

Because of their devotion to Grecia, they wont move an inch because the settlement has presence of Grecia (probably from energy of the light arrow).

Grecia want the Injes to settle at Calle Mort's Village, as their settlement near the cliff base blocking the pathway of the dead soul's to depart to Dark Realm

After the player purify the area near village in Calle Mort, Grecia then grace her presence to her worshipper, the Inje people that has been squatting down near Lunagent Cliff Base. She told them she is delighted because the Inje gathered there to grace her presence. However, she said that if Inje still stay near the Lunagent Cliff Base, the soul of the dead cant depart to Dark Realm and hence, turning into evil and may rage again. To stop that from happening, Grecia ask them to move to village at Calle Mort.
Second advent of Grecia to her worshipper

The elder was perplexed by Grecia command and tell her that we be able to grace in her presence because they stay where the faint energy leftover of Grecia is, and they dont want to move elsewhere with no Grecia energy.

This make Burnos, one of the guardian of the Dark Realm to get annoyed and said they should move away to make way for spirit to Dark Realm. 

This cause Inje People to feel bad because of their action, turning the pace into evil soul nest.
Grecia then calm Brunos down and settle with them diplomatically. 

To persuade the Inje People, Grecia then bestow them with divine mirror that Pelulu said, it is so beautiful and rival of what man made.

Grecia assured the Inje people that she will show up and grace her presence to her worshipper as long as they put the mirror in the center of the settlement.

The Inje people, of course, shocked by Grecia proposition, and reassure that Grecia will come and grace them with her presence. Grecia give a nod without saying a word. They promised to Grecia to leave the place and settle somewhere else, presumable village in Calle Mort, as Grecia ask them to be.

Grecia giving a nod to Inje People

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