The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Saturday 10 July 2021

Rita the witch


Post-Cataclysm Rita the Witch

Pre-Cataclysm Rita the Witch

 NameRita the Witch
 AliasesGuardian of Witch Wood
 Relative Unnamed Husband (Deceased)
Unnamed Son 

Rita is witch that lives in Witch Wood during pre and post cataclysm. She have extended lifespan thanks to Divine Energy released by interaction of Bespoke Crystal and Bespoke Sword  when she was casting Supreme Magic. Rita originally was tortured and has her family executed by Parul Republic due to accusation on practicing magic on the republic people and helping monster killing the Parul Army, the Armament Caravan. She has her right eye blinded due to the torture and put into house arrest. From the pre-cataclysm story, Rita is know to have the ability to use wide range of magic and highest form of magic, the Supreme Magic.


Pre Cataclysm

There is two instances where Rita the Witch appeared in Pre-Cataclysm Iruna. First one is during the adventurer searching for the key to Dark Realm Gate. The second one was when adventurer asking Rita to cast Supreme Magic.

War with Dark Realm: Searching for key to Dark Realm
During the war between Parul Republic and Dark Realm, the adventurer met with the witch to ask for the left key to the Dark Realm. Rita began to tell her story about her past, how she lost her husband and son, and being driven out of town. 

From the info the adventurer get, the monster once steal the key and end up to Rita. One day, the Dark Realm soldier come and ask for the key. She try to prevent the key from being taken, alas, the key was taken anyway. In past, she think about using the key to avenge her dead family member, but she cant bring herself to do it. She also said that by perpetuating the anger and seek revenge, it wont bring more happiness to her. 

The witch warn adventurer about the Dark Realm soldier that stole the key and was about to flood Iruna with army of darkness. If they open the gate of Dark Realm to Iruna, more countless lives will be lost. She begged the adventurer to stop that from happening. 

The adventurer then inform General Venia, the Leader of Armament Caravan, who was at Rokoko Plain, about Rita. General Venia then realise they done a big mistake to Rita, and the rumor about her being evil witch are unfounded.

War with Dark Realm: Supreme Magic

The story arc begin with adventurer talking with the Calle Mort Elder, on how to defeat the Dark Realm General like Vandeteth. The elder said the adventurer need to be blessed with Divine Energy. The adventurer ask is there any way to get the Divine Energy, and the elder said its possible just like in chalice. Note that chalice is a relic shaped as large cup or goblet.

The Elder add that certain spell can be use to create Divine Energy too, but need both Bespoke Sword and Bespoke Crystal. The sword must be created by Legendary Smith and the the crystal must be created by Foreteller. and Lastly, the person who can cast Supreme Magic, who will sacrifice themselves to weave the spell.

After the adventurer completed acquired both Bespoke Sword and Crystal, the adventurer as Rita to cast Supreme Magic on it. Rita was reluctant at first, as she think she was only lowly witch that had been casted away from society. 

But after seeing the Adventurer determination, she is willing to give it a try. She said she is not up to the task because she never perform the Supreme Magic, only knew about it. But she is going to trust the adventurer bet on this, by risking her life.

The dazzling light shine through Rita house, as the Divine Energy burst from the interaction of Bespoke Item.

Rita feel relieved that the casting of Supreme Magic didn't take her life, and jokingly said its not time to join her deceased family yet. She is shocked at her ability as she thought she wont be able to do that.

Post Cataclysm

The story arc begin after cataclysm, when adventurer wandering around the Witch Wood during road to Toram. Even after 100 years has passed, the house and the forest retain the same. Rita seems did not age at all due to Divine Energy that seeps through her from casting the Supreme Magic in past. She said its unusual for her to have visitor.

She also mention that she is now guardian of the Witch Wood

The things that happen long time ago that she said must refer to her eyepatch, where she was tortured by Parul Rebublic. The people who still know about it, which she referring to maybe General Venia, L.Adventurer or Pino, which she was Consul of Parul Republic in past.

She said that she already lived for a century, which is equal to 100 years. She is the only mortal that lived for that long and see what is happen in pre-cataclysm.

The adventurer ask if they can collect the Fragrant Gravel, and she said feel free to collect as many as adventurer want, because lots of monster have them. 

She also ask the adventurer to help with monster problem, which appeared out of nowhere in the wood, and cant go out after she put the barrier.

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