The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Monday 29 June 2020

Realm and Continent


The spiritual plane that exist on higher plane from material world where it accessible only to high level souls that live life virtuously. This is place for virtuous people, heroes/heroine and god ends up after they dead in material world. Warriors who have proven their mettle in battle arrive in Noieverre after death and become light warrior. Stories of Noieverre have been told since the early  Era. Since then, scholars have attempted to study Noieverre, looking for tangible evidence of its existence. Many more paradise-seekers sought an entrance to Noieverre other than the traditional mode—death.


Mainland Iruna/Toram

Mainland Iruna/Toram is the place where 12 Iruna gods created the world. Almas said its their best creation. Toram landscape become mixed up after cataclysm that occurs 100 years ago. Known continents In Toram are

- "Resistile" land, is area which a group that dedicated to study of magic and part of old Principality of Darkan. After the occupation of unknown enemy at eldenbaum, El scaro become headquarters of Resistile Faction.

- "Straye" land, is area in which most adventurer start with

- Technista land, is land where former slebinia people form their city state. They broke up into pax and lyark due to some disaggrement.

- Eldenbaum, is ancient continent and holy land for elves, but after "cataclysm", the land around it fell and it been occupied by unknown monster.

user uploaded image
- Neutral City State, is city that belong to neither faction. Most of them remain neutral alignment to either faction, and some being destroyed by monster.

- Nov Saterica region, is new region where diels people establish their new federation.

Cradle Of Soldiers [Regular Maps] - YouTube
- Dark Realm, is realm of the dead, where the souls go.

- God Realm, is realm of former 12 Gods of Iruna. Its become ruin and desolate in post cataclysm.


Alternate Iruna

Known continent In Alternate Iruna

- BestieBaum, the holy land of diel is alternate Iruna.

- Slebinia, the reign land of Empress Mezalluna, where she become Dragon Priest.

- Parul, the land where Gulie is male, overthrow Pino as chief consul and make himself Emperor.


Dragonewts Realm

This new world is inhabited by a species known as the Dragonewts. 

- Kreldan Holy District, where the dragonewt pope and priest gain audience with dragon lord Kaiser.

- Yubadraf, rebel city for Dragonewt soldier and worker caste.

- Bleudraf, the capital of Dragonewt.

- Kreldan, the town that being plague by disease and weird monolith of Xeltzam

- Living Forest, the holy place of Dragonewt Priest


Dark Continent/ La turton/ Akaku Desert

The place known as the Dark Continent, which lies to the north of the continent of Elban. The continent used to be a part of iruna until it was separated by the war of the Gods, and Almas also says it is a continent to mark the symbol of their sin. This continent is part of a world known as Le Turton. Specia, before killing herself in the war, has given this land to those that she wanted to protect.

Akaku City in Akaku Desert.


In this world of Ganaji, there is lot island archipelago inhibited by Minase water people, that look like people Edo period . This land is where monofu and ninja skill start and spread throughout land. The main city is Minauela, but during invasion by the Xeltzam, crack to other world open, and some part of Minauela break apart and rift into mainlain iruna, forming island. The new land in Iruna is called Minaula, while at the main Ganaji world is called Kakeula.

- Kakeula, the remaining main land of Ganaji without their world god, Kotoamatsu. Remaining deities is Mountain Dragon, Sakimori no Ryu maintaining the world from collapse.

Minaula, the piece of land fro Ganaji that got warped to Iruna mainland, thus forming new island north of Eldenbaum.



Xelzam is insectoid like monster that act on pure instinct to survive. When the god's servant robot rebel against gods, they modified the xeltzam into intelligent being capable of self reasoning and using tool. Hence, the Xeltzam terrorize the land near Beudarf. They capable of terraforming land they conquer into their nest. Hence, most people call them devourer of world as they pass through multiple world.

Xeltzam forest where they make modified Homunculus.

Xeltzam general nest

Terraformed land deep inside Xeltzam nest, where the Xeltzam Queen reside.



in this world of Dämmerung, there exists two continents which hold the balance of nature. 

- Nacht, the land of night, is ruled over by a person known as Ster. his land is protected by Cynthia, the Goddess of the Moon

- The other continent is called Morgen, the land of the morning, which is protected by the God of the Sun. 

1 comment:

  1. Just me or Morgen continent are kinda like a map from Toram Online game O_O

    (I mean not at Toram, at Iruna but after cataclysm)
