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The Story so far.....

Saturday 22 May 2021

Ailment List


What is Ailment? 

Ailment is basically bad status inflicted by monster or certain player skill in battles. It's a mechanic in the game that could be inflicted to you to reduce your battle performances. However, you can also inflict ailments to monster using certain skills.

How to reduce or negate Ailments chances? 

Lucky, there's a way to counter Ailments in the game using stats though it's not 100% chance but at least it works. 

1. MTL stat

The personal stats called MTL could reduce chance the character getting the ailment, where: 

3.4 MTL stat equal to 1% Ailment Resistance

Hence 255 MTL stat give around 75% Ailment resistance. There is also some gears that could give Ailment Resistance

2. Recovery 

Use of Recovery skill from support tree skills which costs you 100MP if less than lvl 10, but 0MP if u successfully heal ailments at lvl 10.

3. Item

To heal ailment, vaccine can be used too. It can be acquired either from General store, consignment board, or synthesis.

4. Guard Skill

Manual guard can negate ailment by small chance and reduce fractional dmg to 1.

5. Registlet

Some registlet can negate ailment (such as pyrexia, which remove 100% freeze at max lvl) and some can mitigate the ailment.


(Everything is the player's perspective)

Ailment List

1. Flinch 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Usually interrupts the enemy for 1 second,
  • Has a 3 seconds cooldown with
    2 seconds break-chance
    duration to reveal boss break part.
  • Cooldown varies from enemies, skills and boss difficulty.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

Cannon Spear (with Registlet)

  • Interrupts you and makes you vulnerable for 1 second
  • Cancelling any prompted movement similar to combos
  • Can be mitigated by registlet (Pursuit of Relief)


To Enemy
To Player 
  • Usually interrupts the enemy for 3 seconds,
  • Has a 15 seconds cooldown
    with 4 seconds break-chance
    duration to reveal boss break part.
  • Cooldown varies from enemies, skills and boss difficulty.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Interrupts you and makes you vulnerable for 3 seconds,
  • Cancelling any prompted movement similar to combos.
  • Can be mitigated by registlet (Pursuit of Relief)
Player skill that can mitigate this ailment :

3. Stun 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Immobilize the enemy for 5 seconds,
  • Has a 25 seconds cool down
    with 6 seconds break-chance
    duration to reveal boss break part.
  • Using this before tumble and
    flinch prolongs the break chance duration
  • However flinch and tumble is resisted.
  • Cooldown varies from enemies, skills and boss difficulty.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Immobilizes you for 5 seconds.
  • Cancelling any prompted movement similar to combos.
  • Can be mitigated by registlet (Pursuit of Relief).

Player skill that can mitigate this ailment :

4. Knock back 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Different Skills has different ranges of knock back. 
  • The cooldown depends on the range of knock back distance
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Different attack has different ranges of knock back.
  • The cooldown depends type of attack monster used.
Player skill that can mitigate this ailment :

5. Poison 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Dealt a fractional dmg per interval 
  • Dmg depending on the target's HP and the player's INT and DEX. 
  • Poison dmg = 2*[(1+ 2*INT)+(0.5*DEX)]
  • Has a duration of 10 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:
  • Inflicts a 5% current HP fractional dmg per interval
  • Dmg tick every time you use a skill or auto attack.
  • Lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Can be mitigated by registlet (Poison Heal).
Player skill that can mitigate this ailment :


To Enemy
To Player 
  • Delays the enemy's attacks for 2 seconds 
  • (1sec for bosses). 
  • Has a duration of 10 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:
Pommel Sword

Paralysis Shot

  • Halves current ASPD 
  • Lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Can be mitigated by
    registlet (Neural Control)

7. Blindness 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Reduces the target's hit by 60% (20% to bosses). 
  • Has a duration of 10 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • If the player is inflicted with it, they have a hit penalty. 
  • If the player is 8m or farther:
they suffer a 40% penalty 
(hit * 0.600000023841858), 
  • if they are 7m or closer: 
they suffer a 20% penalty
(hit * 0.800000011920929). 
  • Lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Can be mitigated by registlet (Cat's Eye

8. Ignition 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Dealt a fractional dmg per interval depending on the target's HP 
  • Ignite dmg = 2*[(1+ 2*INT). 
  • Has a duration of 10 seconds. Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Inflicts a 15% current HP fractional dmg every 3 seconds. 
  • Lasts for 10 seconds.
  • AMPR become double with registlet (Bloody Warrior)
Player skill that can mitigate this ailment :

Player skill that has this ailment penalty:

9. Freeze 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Increases the delay
    between attacks
    100% (50% for bosses), 
  • Lasts for 10 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as
    the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Reduces motion speed by 50% 
  • It's applied after the
    base motion speed and
    God Speed Wield. 
  • Lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Can be mitigated by
    registlet (Pyrexia)

10. Armor break 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Reduces the target's
    by 50%, 
  • The total def is calculated from
    the parts first then armor break
    then magic/physical pierce is applied. 
  • Lasts for 5 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Reduces player 
     by -50%.
  • Lasts for 5 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as
    the duration ended.
  • Can be mitigated by
    registlet (Emergency Repair)

11. Slow 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Reduces target's movement speed by 50%
  • (25% for bosses), 
  • lasts for 10 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Reduces movement speed by -50%, 
  • Lasts for 10 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
  • Can be mitigated by registlet (Impetus)

12. Stop 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Binds the enemy to it's current position for 10 seconds, 
  • Has a 50 seconds cooldown. 
  • Less effective against bosses/ Mini bosses as it only reduces bosses' movement speed by 50% 
  • It does not bind the bosses 
  • More effective with mobs. 
  • Attacks patterns such as linear dash or charging attacks can bypass stop.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:
  • Binds the player to it's current position
  • Using motion skills like charging slash can bypass stop.
  • Can be mitigated by registlet (Steady Stance)


To Enemy
To Player 
  • Has a 30% to cancel the target's attack (10% for bosses), 
  • lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

Javelin (Dark Element weapon)

  • Has a 30% chance to cancel any kind of attack.
  • can be removed with skill (Warcry)


To Enemy
To Player 
  • Disables the enemy's both evasion rate and guard rate 
  • Halves guard/Evasion rate for bosses.
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Halves evasion and guard rates
  • Lasts 10 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.


To Enemy
To Player 
  • Reduces dmg dealt by 
30% (dmg * 0.699999988079071)
  • lasts for 10 seconds. 
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Reduces dmg dealt by 30%.

16. Weaken 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Reduces Target's MDEF by 25%.
  • Increase Magic Critical rate chance :

    Magic Critical Rate + (Critical Rate/2)


    Magic Critical Rate + (Critical Rate/4)
    with Spell Burst at lvl 10

  • Lasts 5 seconds on Bosses/Mini Bosses
  • Able to re-inflict as soon as Duration ends.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Increases original MP cost of skills by +100mp, 
  • Duration depends on the type of attack of the enemy. 
  • Able to re-inflict as the duration ended.

16. Silence 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • N/A                                         .
  • Unable to cast magic skills.
  • Increases amount of MP
    recovered with registlet
    (Silent Recharge)

17. Bleed 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • N/A                                         .
  • Unable to cast physical skills.
  • increases amount of MP
    recovered with registlet (Bloody Warrior)
Player skill that has this ailment penalty:


To Enemy
To Player 
  • Halves current stability
  • all stability reduction is applied first 
  • then fatigue, last is graze.
  • Halves current stability
  • all stability reduction is applied first 
  • then fatigue, last is graze.

20. Dazzled 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Doubles player's weapon Graze threshold
  • Lasts for 10 seconds. 
  • Has a cooldown of 50 seconds.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • N/A.                                    

21. Sleep 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Status ailment that prevents movement and action
  • Effect ends when monster taking damage
  • Immobilize the enemy for 7 seconds,
  • Cooldown varies from enemies, skills and boss difficulty.
  • Boss monster recover HP
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Status ailment that prevents movement and action
  • Effect ends when player taking damage
  • Duration depends on monster attack.
  • Cancelling any prompted movement similar to combos.
  • Recovers MP based on Base AMPR 
  • Can be mitigated with registlet (Forty Winks)

22. Sick 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • N/A                                                                                                           
  • Nullify ailment resistance.
  • Even with 100% ailment resistance, if sick ailment inflicted, the resistance will be bypassed.

23. Curse 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • N/A                                                      
  • Lower players Critical damage by 50% for 10 sec.

24. Suction 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • Can suck nearby monsters  close to the area you cast
  • (except for some boss and mini bosses), last for 6 seconds. 
  • The skill that can do suction is "Magic: Storm"
    - 100% rate for mobs that
    are within range,
    - 50% chance for boss and
    mini bosses that could be
    affected by the ailment.
Player skill that can inflict this ailment:

  • Suck player inside the Area of effect.
  • Deal damage over time
  • Disable evasion and guard
  • The ailment duration last depends on monster attack skills.

25. Mana Explosion 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • N/A                                                      
  • Deal fatal damage according to MP left. 
  • Damage depends on the current
    MP left during explosion and
    will leave you with 0 MP after
    countdown ended.

    Mana Explosion=MP bar *1000

  • Countdown depends on boss attack
  •  Immediately recovers 100MP
    if you survive Mana Explosion
    with registlet (Mana Diffuser)

26. Overdrive 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • N/A                                                      
  • Activate the skill by consuming
    current HP 
    even if current MP is not
    enough according to the
    skill's MP requirement. 
  • Its attributes are similar to tenacity tag in Combo.

27. Petrify 

To Enemy
To Player 
  • N/A                                                      
  • Status ailment that prevents movement and action
  • Remove all buff and reset aggro
  • Gain invincibility during ailment infliction

Two iconless ailments : Item disable and Inversion(only found in Road of Megiston currently)
Item disable : +15 sec item cooldown
Inversion : currentHp% switch with currentMP%
both available in 5th Road of Megiston

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