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The Story so far.....

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Martial Skill

Skill Unlock Levels:

Skill Tier 1 - Player Lv 1 - 29

Skill Tier 2 - Player Lv 30 - 69

Skill Tier 3 - Player Lv 70 
Extra Skill

Skill Tier 4 - Player Lv 150

1. Smash                                              
No Limit 

MP Cost: 100
Skill Type: Physical dmg - Physical Proration
Game Description: "Strongly hit the target. Chance to inflict [Flinch] on target."

Base Skill Multiplier: 0.5 + 0.02 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 5 * Skill Level

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: Defaults to Knuckle's Auto Attack Max Range if equipped on main weapon or subweapon slot; 1m otherwise

Ailment: Flinch
Base Ailment Chance: 
  • 50% (levels 1 to 5); 
  • 75% (levels 6 to 10)
Ailment Duration: 2 seconds
Ailment Cooldown: 
  • 1 second (Easy and Normal); 
  • 3 seconds (Hard); 
  • 6 seconds (Nightmare); 
  • 9 seconds (Ultimate)

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +0.25
Skill Constant +(25 + total AGI/10)
Flinch chance +25%

- This skill is affected by Whack, and Short Range Damage stats

2. Bash                                              
No Limit 

MP Cost: 200
Skill Type: Physical Dmg - Physical Proration
Game Description: "Strike a heavy blow on the head. Chance to inflict [Stun] on the target."

Base Skill Multiplier: 1 + 0.05 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 10 * Skill Level

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: Defaults to Knuckle's Auto Attack Max Range if equipped on main weapon or sub-weapon slot; 1m otherwise

Ailment: Stun
Base Ailment Chance: 
  • 25% (levels 1 to 5); 
  • 50% (levels 6 to 10)
Ailment Duration: 5 seconds

Ailment Cooldown: 
  • 25 seconds (Easy, Normal, Hard and Nightmare); 
  • 30 seconds (Ultimate)

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +(1 + total AGI/500)
Skill Constant +(50 + total AGI/5)
Stun chance +(25 + total AGI/10)%

- This skill is affected by Whack, and Short Range Damage stats

3. Shell Break                                 
No Limit 

MP Cost: 300
Skill  Type: Physical dmg - Physical Proration
Game Description: "A straight punch that penetrates hard armor. The damage dealt increases as the target's DEF is higher. Low chance to inflict [Armor Break]. Recover MP if it succeeds."

Base Skill Multiplier: 1 + 0.05 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 50 + 10 * Skill Level

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: Defaults to Knuckle's Auto Attack Max Range if equipped on main weapon or subweapon slot; 1m otherwise

Skill Effect:
- This skill has Physical Pierce +(5 * Skill Level)%
- If this skill inflicts Armor Break, you recover 400 MP

Ailment: Armor Break
Base Aliment Chance: 10% + (1.5 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 5 seconds
Ailment Cooldown: 10 Seconds

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +0.5
Skill Multiplier +((target's DEF - target's Level)/50); this boost cannot go under -1 and cannot go over 5
Skill Constant +((target's DEF - target's Level) * 2); this boost cannot go under -100 and cannot go over 500

- This skill is affected by Whack, and Short Range Damage stats

4. Heavy Smash                               
No Limit 

MP Cost: 400
Skill  Type: Physical Dmg - Physical Proration
Game Description: "Hit the target very hard. Chance to inflict [Lethargy] on the target. Deal additional damage on the target that has [Armor Break]."

Base Skill Multiplier: 1 + 0.15 * Skill Level
Base Skill Multiplier: (Additionnal Hit): 1 + 0.15 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 100 + 10 * Skill Level; constant for each hit

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 
  • 1 hit; 
  • 2 hits if the target has the Armor Break aliment; 
Maximum Cast Range: Defaults to Knuckle's Auto Attack Max Range if equipped on main weapon or subweapon slot; 1m otherwise

Skill Effect: If the target has the Armor Break aliment, this skill gains a second hit that is much stronger and always critical hit

Ailment: Lethargy
Base Ailment Chance: 20% + (3 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 10 seconds
Ailment Cooldown: 10 Seconds

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +1.5
Skill Multiplier (Additionnal Hit) +5
Skill Constant +100
Lethargy chance +50%

- Triple Thrust's Skill Constant buff applies to the first hit, but not the second hit
- This skill is affected by Whack, and Short Range Damage stats
- Dodge, Evasion, Guard, Anticipate, and Guard Break calculations are done for the first hit, then copied for the other hit; 
- The rest of damage calculation is done for each hit

5. Chariot                                            
No Limit 

MP Cost: 500
Skill  Type: Physical dmg - Physical Proration
Game Description: "Shoot out the energy inside of the character. Chance to inflict [Fear] on the target. Charge Time is shortened depending on the skill level."

Base Skill Multiplier: 9.9 + 0.01 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 50 + 20 * Skill Level

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: 12m
Hit Range: Single target without Knuckles main or sub; 
height of 12m and radius of 0.75m from caster's position with Knuckles main or sub

Base Charge Time: 
  • 11 seconds (level 1); 
  • 9 seconds (levels 2 and 3); 
  • 7 seconds (levels 4 and 5); 
  • 5 seconds (levels 6 and 7); 
  • 3 seconds (levels 8 and 9); 
  • 1 second (level 10)

Ailment: Fear
Base Ailment Chance: (5 * Skill Level)%; total chance is halved on bosses
Ailment Duration: 10 seconds
Ailment Cooldown: 10 seconds

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +(2.5 + base AGI/100)
Skill Constant +250
Fear chance +50%
Charge Time -1 second

- This skill is affected by Whack, and Short/Long Range Damage stats

6. Sonic Wave                                           
No Limit 

MP Cost: 100
Skill  Type: Physical
Game Description: "Attack with an impulsive wave. Chance to inflict [Tumble] on the target."

Base Skill Multiplier: 0.75 + 0.025 * Skill Level
Base Skill Constant: 5 * Skill Level

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: 4m (levels 1 to 3); 8m (levels 4 to 6); 12m (levels 7 to 9); 16m (level 10)

Ailment: Tumble
Base Ailment Chance: (5 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 3 seconds
Ailment Cooldown: 
  • 3 seconds (Easy and Normal); 
  • 6 seconds (Hard); 
  • 12 seconds (Nightmare); 
  • 18 seconds (Ultimate)
 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +0.25
Skill Constant +25
Tumble chance +50%

- This skill is affected by Whack, and Short Range Damage stats

7. Earthbind                                      
No Limit 

MP Cost: 100
Skill Type: Physical dmg - Physical Proration
Game Description: "Attack enemies around you by shaking the ground. Chance to inflict [Stop] on the targets. Restore small amount of HP by hitting a target."

Base Skill Multiplier: 
  • 1.02 (level 1); 
  • 1.05 (level 2); 
  • 1.07 (level 3); 
  • 1.1 (level 4); 
  • 1.12 (level 5); 
  • 1.15 (level 6); 
  • 1.17 (level 7); 
  • 1.2 (level 8); 
  • 1.22 (level 9); 
  • 1.25 (level 10)

Base Skill Constant: 5 * Skill Level

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 1 hit
Maximum Cast Range: Defaults to Knuckle's Auto Attack Max Range if equipped on main weapon or subweapon slot; 1m otherwise
Hit Range: 
  • 1m (levels 1 and 2); 
  • 1.5m (levels 3 to 5); 
  • 2m (levels 6 to 8); 
  • 2.5m (levels 9 and 10)

Skill Effect: For each target hit with this skill, you recover 5% of your Max HP; you cannot recover more than 500 HP that way

Ailment: Stop
Base Ailment Chance: (5 * Skill Level)%
Ailment Duration: 10 seconds
Ailment Cooldown: 50 seconds

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +(0.25 + total AGI/500)
Skill Constant +25
Hit Range +1.5m
HP Recovery limit +500 HP
Stop chance +50%

- This skill is affected by Whack, and Short Range Damage stats

8. Triple Kick                                     
No Limit 

MP Cost: 300
Skill Type: Physical
Game Description: "Attack the target three times quickly. Critical rates are higher than normal attacks."

Base Skill Multiplier: 1 + 0.1 * Skill Level; multiplier for each hit
Base Skill Constant: 25 + 2 * Skill Level; multiplier for each hit

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 3 hits; damage calculation is done for each hit
Maximum Cast Range: 3m

Skill Effect: This skill has Critical Rate +(2 * Skill Level) on the second hit and Critical Rate +(4 * Skill Level) on the third hit

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +1
Critical Rate +50 for all hits of the skill

- This skill is affected by Whack, and Short Range Damage stats

9. Rush                                             
No Limit 

MP Cost: 400
Skill Type: Physical Dmg - Physical Proration
Game Description: "Quick consecutive attacks. Action Speed increases for a few seconds including Rush activated."

Base Skill Multiplier: 3 + 0.4 * Skill Level; total multiplier of all hits
Base Skill Constant: 20 * Skill Level; total constant of all hits

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Hit Count: 4 hits; damage calculation is done once then spread evenly between the hits
Maximum Cast Range: Defaults to Knuckle's Auto Attack Max Range if equipped on main weapon or subweapon slot; 1m otherwise

Buff Effect: 
  • Motion Speed +2% (levels 1 to 3)/ 
  • Motion Speed+3% (levels 4 to 6)/ +4% (levels 7 to 9)/ 
  • Motion Speed+5% (level 10); 
this buff is applied immediately instead of after this skill is cast

Buff Duration: 10 seconds

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
Skill Multiplier +(2 + base AGI/50)
Skill Constant +200
Motion Speed of buff is doubled

- This skill is affected by Whack, and Short Range Damage stats

10. Martial Mastery            

MP Cost: 0MP
Skill Type: Passive
Game Description: "Get better at using Knuckles. ATK of Knuckles increases."

Passive Effect: 
- Weapon ATK +(3 * Skill Level)%; 
- ATK passive add
  • ATK +1% (levels 1 and 2)/ 
  • ATK+2% (levels 3 to 7)/
  • ATK+3% (levels 8 to 10)

11. Martial Discipline         

MP Cost: 0MP
Skill Type: Passive
Game Description: "Deepen understanding of Knuckles. Increases attack speed of Knuckles. Increases damage of Knuckle skills a little."

Passive Effect:
- Increases the damage of Martial Skills by (1 * Skill Level)%; this effect only applies when you equip Knuckles in either your main weapon slot or your subweapon slot
- Attack Speed +(Skill Level)% and +(10 * Skill Level); this effect only applies when you equip Knuckles in your main weapon slot

12. Chakra                                       
No Limit 

MP Cost: 200
Skill Type: Buff Skill
Game Description: "Restore MP a little and add a buff to reduce the next damage for a few seconds. Increase Attack MP Recovery a little during the effect. Effective on party members."

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Base Charge Time: 3 seconds; affected by Cast Speed
Skill Effect: Restores 50 MP to user and party members upon casting this skill successfully
Buff Effect: Gives a buff to the entire party that adds Attack MP Recovery

- Attack MP Recovery buff added:
  • +1 (level 1)/ 
  • +2 (level 2)/ 
  • +3 (level 3)/ 
  • +4 (level 4)/ 
  • +5 (level 5)/ 
  • +7 (level 6)/ 
  • +9 (level 7)/ 
  • +11 (level 8)/ 
  • +13 (level 9)/ 
  • +15 (level 10)

- Flat Skill Based Damage Reduction +0 (for caster)/ +2 * base VIT (for others); this damage reduction is applied after DEF/MDEF reduction and before Percentage Skill Based Damage Reduction

- Percentage Skill Based Damage Reduction +10% + (2 * Skill Level)%; this damage reduction is applied after Flat Skill Based Damage Reduction and before Equipment Refine Damage Reduction

Buff Duration: 10 + (Skill Level) seconds OR until you get hit

 Weapon usedExtra Enhancement: 
MP heal +50
Percentage Skill Based Damage Reduction +20%
Buff Duration +10 seconds

13. Aggravate                  

MP Cost: 0MP
Skill Type: Passive
Game Description: "Keenly attack the target again. You have a chance to deal additional damage by normal attacks of Knuckles."

Aggravate Skill Multiplier: 
  • 0.27 (level 1); 
  • 0.3 (level 2); 
  • 0.32 (level 3); 
  • 0.35 (level 4); 
  • 0.37 (level 5); 
  • 0.4 (level 6); 
  • 0.42 (level 7); 
  • 0.45 (level 8); 
  • 0.47 (level 9); 
  • 0.5 (level 10); multiplier for each hit
Aggravate Skill Constant: 0

Passive Effect:
- Attack MP Recovery +(0.5 * Skill Level)
- On auto attacks that don't miss, you have a (10 + 4 * Skill Level)% chance to add one additional attack that cannot critical hit.

Aggravate Damage Type: Neutral
Aggravate Element: Neutral

Aggravate Damage Calculation:
Aggravate Damage = (Physical Base Damage - target's DEF) * Aggravate Skill Multiplier * RNG Stability/100 * Current Neutral Proration/100 * (1 - Base Drop Gem Damage Reducer/100) [IF using a Base Drop Gem; repeat this for every Gem]

Hit Count: 
- Same as the auto attack's Hit Count that triggered it; 
- Damage calculation is done independently of the auto attack's; 
- If the Hit Count of the auto attack is higher than 1, damage calculation is done once, then divided evenly between the hits

Aggravate Ailment: Armor Break
Aggravate Ailment Chance: 0%

- This skill doesn't seem to be affected by Guard

14. Strong Chase Attack    

MP Cost: 0MP
Skill Type: Passive
Game Description: "Enhances the power of small attacks. The additional damage of [Aggravate] increases."

Passive Effect:
- Aggravate Skill Multiplier +(0.05 * Skill Level)
- Aggravate Armor Break chance +(Skill Level)%

15. Slide                                                 

MP Cost: 200
Skill Type: Movement Skill
Game Description: Slide at a high speed to cut the distance and move closer to enemy. The accuracy of the next skill used will increase.

Combo starter: yes
Combo mid: yes 

Maximum Cast Range: 0m - 8m

Skill effect: 
- Dash directly to enemy
- Accuracy buff:
  • +32 (level 1)/ 
  • +35 (level 2)/ 
  • +37 (level 3)/ 
  • +40 (level 4)/ 
  • +42 (level 5)/ 
  • +45 (level 6)/ 
  • +47 (level 7)/ 
  • +50 (level 8)/ 
  • +52 (level 9)/ 
  • +55 (level 10)
Buff Duration: until next skill is used

- This skill can only be used as knuckle as main weapon. Doesn't work on sub knuckle.

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