The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Saturday 24 July 2021





Combo (short for combination - combination) is a term used in computer games to refer to a certain sequence of actions, usually performed with strict time limits and bringing a significant benefit or advantage to the player.

The origin of the term is due to fighting games - a genre in which this word denotes a combination of blows.


Combo setup


In order to unlock combos in Toram Online you need to learn 10 different skills from any skill tree, after which you will receive a new achievement "Combine the skills" and the ability to create combos.

In the section: Menu → Character → Skills → Combo. This will be the access to the combo settings.

Combo Menu Overview

Player can create up to 5 combo, and extra combo will be unlocked using orb. In order for the combo to work during the battle, you need to activate it. 
To do this, you need to switch the toggle switch to ON → select the first skill → the second, etc. (you can stop at 2 skills) 

Setting Up Combo

Every player start with 2 CP. You can use these 2 CPs to create a small combo of 2 skills. In order to be able to create big combos you need to get more CP, and in order to get more CP, you need to increase the level of your combo. Then, you can create larger combos. 
Note: Max CP is 20

In order to increase the combo level, create a small combo of 2 skills and use it constantly, the combo level directly depends on the number (times) of combo applications. Every 1 combo level, it add 1 CP.
Note: Max Combo level is 18

Note: the combo level will increase only after full activation. If the combo was interrupted during its activation, you will not gain experience for using the combo, and the combo level will remain unchanged.

In addition, Toram allows you to add effects (combo tags) to the combo chain. 
Combo tags can reduce MP cost, speed up skill animations, increase damage, etc. When adding the first skill to a combo, already on the second it will be possible to set a special effect for the combo (click on the red cross). The selected special effect will consume 1 CP.

For a successful combo, you need to hit the first hit on the enemy. Different combo tag has different effect of MP cost, damage, even speed. A combo tag can only be placed from second skill onwards [2]. 


Combo tags



Lower MP cost according to combo count. Each hitting streak during the same combo lowers the damage

Consecutive reduce the MP usage of a skill based on the skill placement of the combo [2]. Reduces the damage done (if the skill does any damage) in the same way. 

Formula for MP reduction: initial skill cost (MP) - (skill-order-1) * 100. 

Damage reduction formula: initial_damage * [1 - (order_of - 1) * 0.1]. 

This means the following: If the second skill in the combo has the Consecutive tag, its total MP cost will be 100 MP less, and its damage will be reduced by 10%; 

If this tag is set to the third skill in a row, its cost will be   reduced by 200MP, and its damage will be reduced by 20%, etc. etc.

Keep in mind that the MP cost cannot go below 0.

The combo (for dealing damage) using the Consecutive tag has a major drawback when it comes to the Weaken debuff, which increases the MP cost of all skills by one. This can cause your consecutive damage combo to basically eat up all of your MP.

Usage Tips: The Consecutive combo tag will be useful for classes with short skill animation times such as blade, martial, shot & dual sword.

!Attention! On 10/20/2020, the maintenance of the game was completed, the result of which was a rebalance of skills and adjustment of the work of combo tags. The Consecutive tag now reduces the damage of the skills on which it is set less severely.

The information presented above is still relevant now due to the same unchanged working mechanism, however, over time, this information will be adjusted.


Activate the skills without using the MP but the damage will greatly be lowered. The damage of the following skills will also be lowered. If MP is still left, the MP cost of the last skill will Increase

Save is like your MP bank. When you use save tag on a combo, instead of using MP for that skill, you will have additional MP to use from the cost of that skill [2].

NOTE: Reserved MP must be used before the end of the combo

For example: The combo below consume 100MP only for start skill of the combo

Moeba Shot (start combo)

>Smoke Dust (Save) [RESERVE MP = 500]

> Power Shot (Swift) [COST: RESERVE MP = 500 - 100] Remaining MP Supply = 400 MP 

> Paralysis Shot (Consecutive) [COST: RESERVE MP = 400 - 0] Remaining MP Supply = 400 MP, Consecutive on 3rd, hence MP cost = 300

>Snipe (Smite) [COST: RESERVE MP = 400 - 400] Remaining MP Supply = 0 MP 

Key Info:

  • The combo will  use MP from this supply first before using your real MP. 
  • However, if there is still MP in the reserve when the last skill of the combo is activated, the MP cost of the last skill is increased by the remaining amount.
  • This tag also reduces damage by 80% for the skill itself and the next skills in the combo. 
  • This damage reduction is 20% for each of the following skills that do not have a Save tag attached. Adding another Save tag increases the damage reduction by 80%.

Detailed scheme of the tag operation:

Opener-- 100% Damage

Save - 100% - 80% = 20% Damage

Skill 3 - 100% - 60% = 40% Damage

Skill 4 - 100% - 40% = 60% Damage

Skill 5 - 100% - 20% = 80% Damage +50% smite = 130% total damage

Skill 6 - 100% - 0% = 100% Damage

Usage Tips: Use it whenever you want to use a damaging skill that requires too much MP to activate. Set it to a skill that doesn't deal a lot of damage, but requires a lot of MP to use. Impact is another good alternative to the Save tag, as this skill halves the cost of your next skill, but allows you to deal with the 60% damage reduction. Try to keep skills with the Save tag and damaging skills at good range in combo to minimize damage reduction.


The damage of the skill increases and the damage of the next skill decreases. If there is no skill next, the MP cost of this skill increases.

Increases the damage of a skill by 50%, reduces the damage of the next skill by 50%.

The name speaks for itself. Typically this tag is used to get an extreme damage bonus to existing high damage skills. Best used for high damage skills from tier 4 branches: Blade, Shot, Magic, Dual Sword, Crusher, Halberd. Basically, almost all skill trees need a Smite tag in one way or another, and this is useful to compensate for the damage reduction caused by the Save tag.

If the skill with the Smite tag is the last one in the combo, its MP cost will be doubled.

Usage Tips: Use it on your main damaging skills to dramatically increase your damage output. Do not put the skill with this tag at the end of the combo.


 ComboMind Eye
unless the target has a special status, at least a Graze is guaranteed. The hit chance depends on combo count. The combo is cancelled if the target is still resistant to the given status Ailment

The Mind's Eye tag prevents a skill from activating in a combo whenever the mob / boss has resistance to ailment caused by this skill, completing the combo.

This usually happens when the mob / boss having the ailment infliction cooldown. 

Usage Tip: Halberdiers / spearmen can use combos with this tag, since the damage from The Strike Stab skill builds on the affliction imposed on the opponent, while unleashing its full potential: with this tag, you can place the afflicting skill after Strike Stab. This is same for elemental slash in order to inflict weaken ailment.

!Attention! On 10/20/2020, the maintenance of the game was completed, the result of which was a rebalance of skills and adjustment of the work of combo tags. Skills with the Mind's Eye tag now have a guaranteed Hit chance (at least Graze).


Uses HP to activate the skill even if there isn't enough MP

This tag allows you to use some of your HP if you don't have enough MP to use the skill. 

For each strip of MP (100 MP) that is not enough to use a skill, 10% of your maximum HP is used as a replacement, the skill's damage is reduced by 10%. 

If you don't have enough HP, a "not enough MP" warning will appear as usual and the combo will suddenly end. 

Usage Tip: Only use it if you feel comfortable with your HP and the skill itself doesn't cost too much MP, but you want it always available. 

!Attention! On 10/20/2020, the maintenance of the game was completed, the result of which was a rebalance of skills and adjustment of the work of combo tags. The damage reduction for skills using the Tenacity tag has now been removed.



The movement for the skill gets faster (Invalid for some skills)

This tag increases the animation speed of combo skills by 50%.
This means that the animation of a skill in a combo with the Swift tag is accelerated.
This buff does not stack with other Animation speed buffs. 

Usage Tips: Use skills with long animation and avoid using this skill after Trigger Slash.
Counteracts ailment Freeze, and so it's always a good idea to have a combo with this tag just in case you can't recover from ailment quickly.


The chance to become invincible depends on combo count. If there are multiple invincible effect during the same combo, only the first one may be activated.

It is activated and gives the effect of immunity to enemy damage or "invincibility" with a percentage probability of equal position of the skill with the given tag in the combo.

A visual representation of the dependence of the chance of activating a tag on the position of a skill with a given tag in a combo.

100% activation of the tag occurs only after the 5th skill from the starting point.
However, even if you set several Invincible tags, only the first one will be activated with a certain probability. 

The "invincible" effect time is about 2 seconds.

In addition, the skill itself with the Invincible tag does not become invulnerable. After the completion of the activation of the skill with this tag, it only activates the "invincibility effect" (2s).


Reduces the damage received while the skill and the next skill used are active. But if the next skill used is Tough, the effect is not carried over.

Reduces damage taken by 30% while the skill with this tag and the next skill used in the combo are active. But if the next skill is with the same tag, then the activation of damage reduction is not saved.


Returns a normal attack for a 1time only if u receive damage while the skill is active. If u don't take any damage, the MP cost of the following skill will be reduced.

When activated, a skill with this tag deals critical damage with a normal attack (only once) on a monster. A skill with the Reflection tag can not only reflect damage, it can also reduce the cost (MP) of the next skill in the combo. does not deal damage during activation, the tag reduces the MP consumption of the next skill in a combo by 100 MP. Even if you swap the tags and try not to get attacked by the monster, the tag will reduce the combo cost (in MP) by 100MP.


Restores HP from inflicted damage according to combo count. After using Bloodsucker, for 10 seconds, HP will be used to raise skill power.

Recovers your HP in the amount of (CC - 1)% of the damage dealt.
Applies the "Spirit" buff for 10 seconds. While the buff is active, all bloodsucker stacks are converted to Spirit. Spirit consumes (10 - CC)% maxHP to increase damage dealt by (10 + CC)%
* CC = Combo Count
combo opening (the skill that starts the combo) = CC1, 1st skill in the combo = CC2, etc.


[1] Combo System Guide | Toram Online Forums

[2] Commonly Used Combo Tag | Toram Online Amino (

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