The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Tuesday 27 July 2021


We had explored on the basis of damage , but now we will begin to see an important element in the damage base: ATK and MATK. Basically everyone in this game knows about these two values, which are one of the stats visible to the naked eye.

But, there are hidden details that in this chapter we will talk in detail about ATK and MATK.

What is ATK/MATK?

ATK and MATK are the main statistics that influence the physical and magical attack respectively. These are affected by the character's level, the weapon's attack value, and the stats used for that weapon. They can also be affected by gears, potions and buffs of other skills.

ATK is used to calculate the damage of self-attacks and physical skills, on the other hand the MATK is for the damage calculation of magical skills. Beautifully simple, no? It really isn't, for this reason there are varieties of Builds in Toram, ATK and MATK can vary a lot between each character. However, all classes share a similar format of calculating those statistics:

ATK or MATK = (LV + Weapon Attack [If applicable] + Stat Boost) * (1 + ATK or MATK%/100) + Flat ATK or MATK

First, we must understand how the Weapon Attack is calculated. The complete formula is as follows:

Weapon Attack = round down (Attack value of Weapon * (1 + Weapon Attack%/100)) + round down (Attack value weapon * refine weapon²/100) + refine weapon + flat Weapon Attack

Note the statistics of Weapon Attack% and the effect of refinement are additive (except for some values when rounding). Why do we point this out?, the reason is that it is relative.

For example:

-If we have a weapon of attack value of 100 and suppose you have a team with +10% Weapon Attack which is very common. Then your weapon attack will have an increase of 10% over the base attack of the weapon. On the other hand, if you're lucky and take the weapon to +S before equipping the gear with 10% Weapon Attack bonus.

The formula before equipping such a gear would be:

100*(1+15²/100) + 15 = 340

And the formula after equipping the gear would be:

round down(100*(1+10/100)) + round down(100*(1+15²/100)) + 15 = 350

Where if your increase was 10% Weapon Attack by gear, on the other hand the overall increase was relatively small (350/340)=1.0294 which was an increase of 2.94%.

So the value of the refinement is more important than the stats of +%Weapon Attack at the moment, since the game is still constantly changing and maybe in the future there will be +50% Weapon Attack where we must already take into account in the formula.

Now what they expected so much, the ATK/MATK formulas for each existing class:

What can we deduce from this?

  • If you had to assign stats to get the MOST out of the ATK and focus on the rest, Two Handed Sword, Bowgun, Staff or Barehand could reach their full potential (or close to it) and will rely on gears or other stats to increase their damage.
  • Arrows with high attack values gives a significant ATK% to Bow and Bowgun users.
  • The Brawlers are better with magic attacks than many other physical classes because of MATK's high gain by the INT statistic and the momentum of Weapon Attack% (Despite being split between two).
  • Staff users are better for hybrid classes unlike halberds.

Another thing to take into account, you can equip a Knuckles or Magic Device as a sub weapon but with the cost of decreasing by -15% MATK and -15% ATK respectively.

Is this important?

Of course, the main contributor on the damage base is the ATK and MATK, this should be as high as possible. On the other hand, having a high ATK or MATK will not always mean doing high damage, where in the following chapters they will be explained.

How to increase them? 

  • Get a strong weapon

The Weapon Attack if applicable for your stats as well as refinement on the weapon and finally raise your stats as much as possible. Keep in mind that the game is updating, as well as the weapons. Therefore, you have to renew your weapons constantly.

  • Use the appropriate stats for your weapon

What are you thinking of placing AGI in a Two Handed Sword?

  • Raise your character to the maximum

Did you notice that the level increases your ATK and MATK? And that this also increases the damage? This is very true as it takes an important role in the calculation of damage. Start levelling up.

  • Get equipment with ATK% and buffs/passives that increase ATK%/MATK%

This is very essential when maximizing your stats in damage and at the same time very important. The trick is to also increase the ATK/MATK you get from your weapon, then the effect could be amplified even more.

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