The Story so far.....

The Story so far.....

Sunday 25 July 2021

Special Stat


These stats are found on equipment, potions or passive skills. They add or multiply to your base stats.

  • % based stats are calculated before +based stats. All stats are cumulative.
  • +X damage stats are applied to the base damage before the damage calculation (which includes defence, element and other modifiers),
  • +Y% damage stats are applied after the damage calculation.

ஜ═══════ஜ Natural Regen ஜ═══════ஜ

[Natural HP Regen] 
Increases HP regeneration outside of battle.

[Natural MP Regen] 
Increases MP regeneration outside of battle.

In Skill

  • Survival Skill 
 Safe Rest
Natural HP Regen increases = +10*skill Level and +10%*Skill Level 
Short Rest
Natural MP Regen increases = +1*skill Level and +1%*Skill Level

ஜ═════════ஜ Critical ஜ═════════ஜ

Total Critical Rate = (25 + CRT/3.4)*(1 + Critical Rate%/100) + Flat Critical Rate

[Critical Rate +X]
Increases your critical hit rate by X, but is not included in your base CRT (critical hit rate). Add directly to total critical calculation. When player reach total of 100 critical rate, their attack will never miss, only graze.

[Critical Rate +Y%]
Increases your base CRT (critical hit rate) by Y%.
The base value is 25, and Critical rate +Y% add as +25*Y%.

Total Critical Damage = (150 + STR/5)*(1 + Critical Damage%/100) + Flat Critical Damage

[Critical Damage +X]
Increases the critical damage multiplier by X. The base multiplier is 150. Critical Damage +X add directly to calculation. It includes the increments from STR, but not from Critical Damage +Y%. 5 STR increase it by 1.

[Critical Damage +Y%]
Increases the critical damage multiplier by Y%.
add Critical Damage +Y% to overall Critical Damage

ஜ════ஜ Short Range Damage ஜ════ஜ

Increases damage dealt by short range attacks which is less than 8m (or 0 meters to 7meter) between the player and target.

[Short Range Damage +Y%]

Increases damage dealt by short range attacks by Y%.

The distance is measured at the time the skill is initiated. Range is only applied to direct attacks. Arrow Rain, the 6 last hits of Sword Tempest and the last hit of Dive Impact are placed skill and ignore Range multipliers.

Increases damage dealt by long range attacks which is 8m and more between the player and target

ஜ════ஜ Long Range Damage ஜ════ஜ

Increases damage dealt by short range attacks which is less than 8m (or 0 meters to 7 meter) between the player and target.

[Long Range Damage +Y%]

Increases damage dealt by long range attacks by Y%.

The distance is measured at the time the skill is initiated.

Range is only applied to direct attacks

The 6 last hits of Sword Tempest and the last hit of Dive Impact are placed skill and ignore Range multipliers.

ஜ═══════ஜ Physical Pierce ஜ═══════ஜ

Bypasses all DEF abilities of an enemy that has been dealt by your physical damage by ignoring Y% amount of the monster DEF

[Physical Pierce +Y%]

The higher the monster DEF, the higher the damage. 

This stat bypasses all DEF abilities an enemy has against your physical damage. 

It is counted last in the damage calculation and is countered by physical resistance. 

This is an intangible value of 0 - 100%.

ஜ═══════ஜ Magic Pierce ஜ═══════ஜ

Bypasses all MDEF abilities of an enemy that has been dealt by your magical damage by Ignoring Y% amount of the monster MDEF

[Magic Pierce +Y%]

The higher the monster MDEF, the higher the damage. 

This stat bypasses all MDEF abilities an enemy has against your magic damage. 

It is counted last in the damage calculation and is countered by magic resistance. 

This is an intangible value of 0 - 100%

ஜ══════ஜ Damage to Element ஜ══════ஜ

Increases damage dealt by player to monster which is weak to corresponding element by +Y% amount.

[Damage to <Element> +Y%]

Increases damage dealt to monsters of said element by Y%.

+Y% Damage to Fire      >    +Y% Damage to Fire
+Y% Damage to Earth    >    +Y% Damage to Earth
+Y% Damage to Wind    >    +Y% Damage to Wind 
+Y% Damage to Water   >    +Y% Damage to Water
+Y% Damage to Light     >    +Y% Damage to Light
+Y% Damage to Dark     >    +Y% Damage to Dark

Neutral element also exists, but is only affected by <Damage to Neutral>.

+Y% Damage to Neutral  >    +Y% Damage to Neutral

A plain <Element> means it does 25% more damage against it's weaker Element.

 Fire      >    +25% Damage to Earth
 Earth    >    +25% Damage to Wind
 Wind    >    +25% Damage to Water
 Water   >    +25% Damage to Fire
 Light    >    +25% Damage to Dark
 Dark     >    +25% Damage to Light

ஜ═════ஜElemental Resistanceஜ═════ஜ

Decreases damage dealt by monster elemental attack to the player +Y% amount.

[<Element> Resistance +Y%]

- Decreases damage taken by attacks of said element by Y%.

This also includes the Neutral element. Applies to physical and magic damage alike.

ஜ══════ஜPhysical Resistanceஜ══════ஜ

Decreases damage dealt by monster physical attack to the player +Y% amount.

[Physical Resistance +Y%]

Decreases damage taken by physical attacks by Y%.

Applies to all Elements.

Physical resistance damage reduction apply before guard damage reduction calculation

ஜ══════ஜMagic Resistanceஜ══════ஜ

Decreases damage dealt by monster magical attack to the player +Y% amount.

[Magical Resistance +Y%]

Decreases damage taken by magical attacks by Y%.

Applies to all Elements.

Magic resistance damage reduction apply before guard damage reduction calculation

ஜ══════ஜAilment Resistanceஜ══════ஜ

Reduce the chance in which ailment infliction to the player by +Y%

[Ailment Resistance +Y%]

Y% chance of immunity of status ailments.

This includes Flinch, Tumble and Stun, but not spell cancelling flinch.

Ailment is status effects which harm you and/or affect your character negatively. Ailment Resistance is your character's ability to prevent an ailment they are hit by without being affected by it. This is affected by:

1. The MTL Stat:

At a rate of +1% Ailment Resistance per 3.4 MTL Points, maxing this stat to 255 grants 75% Immunity to status Ailments.

3. Equipment & Crysta:

Many of these carry Ailment Resistance in stat.


Helps the character get away from the attack warning area by quickly moving a few steps. It can also cancel damage when used and timed with monster's single attack.

Base Evasion Charges for each equipment is 

Light armor      :    3 charges
Daggers           :    2 charges
Magic Device   :    4 charges
Knuckles          :    1 charges 
Dual Sword      :    1 charges

if light armor and dagger are equipped, Total Evasion Charges will be:

Light armor + dagger = 3 charges + 6 charges = 9 Charges

Auto-Evasion System

If it is set to Auto, it will be automatically activated and the damage will be cancelled when there is no attack warning on the area the character is about to move to.

Usable evasion at time is 1 and activated when player move out of AoE, but total Evasion charges are as follows:

Light Armor      >  3 charges
Dagger             >  2 charges
Magic Device   >  4 charges
Knuckles          >  1 charges
Dual Sword>     1 charges

Auto evasion can evade physical/magic/fractional AoE 

However, it will not react to single, bullet, and bowling attack. Also, unable to auto trigger if player inflicted with the slow and stop ailment. Evasion only works against your target, but not against other enemies

Even its auto Evasion, unfortunately it has Evasion recharge time like Manual Evasion, but hidden.

Upon successful auto evasion, It will trigger evasion related skill such as
  • Double Stab in Dagger Skill tree 
  • Flash blast in Dual sword skill
The skill mirage evasion can't be activated with auto evasion.

Manual Evasion System

Usable evasion at time is depend on number of charge, and player can execute the evasion whenever the player want (ad-lib)

Base Evasion Charges for each equipment is double for manual evasion. 

Light armor      :    6 charges
Daggers           :    4 charges
Magic Device   :    8 charges
Knuckles          :    2 charges 
Dual Sword      :    2 charges

[Evasion Recharge +Y%]

Total Usable Evasion = Usable x2

Evasion Gauge Recharge Rate [%/sec] = Base Evasion Gauge/ (100% + Total Evasion +Y% + Evasion Usage Penalty)

Evasion Usage Penalty= [Base Evasion Gauge - Current Evasion Gauge*(100% + Evasion +Y%)] / Current Evasion Gauge

Getting hit from enemy can half Evasion Usage Penalty

Evasion Usage Penalty (New)Evasion Usage Penalty/2

Final Evasion Gauge Recharge Rate =  Base Evasion gauge / [100+ Evasion+ Evasion Usage Penalty (New)]

Base Evasion recharge

Light Armor                                               >  5 seconds
Dagger                                                      >  3.33 seconds
Magic Device                                            >  10 seconds
Knuckles                                                   >  2.5 seconds
Dual Sword>                                              10 seconds

Light Armor + Dagger                               >  5 seconds
Light Armor + Magic Device                     >  5 seconds
Light Armor + Knuckle                              >  5 seconds
Light Armor + Dual Sword                        >  5 seconds

Light Armor + Knuckle + Magic Device    >  5 seconds
Light Armor + Knuckle + Dagger              >  5 seconds
Light Armor + Knuckle + Magic Device    >  5 seconds

Knuckle + Magic Device                           >  5 seconds
Knuckle + Dagger                                     >  5 seconds

-It is increased by Light Armor, stats and skills.

-Light Armor increases Evasion recharge by +10%, Heavy Armor has the opposite effect.

base evasion stack is 2 for knuckles and DS, 4 for daggers, 6 for light armor and 8 for MDs.


The character assumes a Guard stance to reduce the damage and status ailments received from the front based on the damage reduction ability. However, players will be unable to Guard against meteor attacks or attacks on the ground of floor.

Auto-Guard System

  • No perfectly-timed Guard bonus
  • Activation depends on damage inflicted on player is more than 20% of total Max HP, it will be activated if player equip Shield, Two handed sword, halberd or heavy armor.
  • Damage Reduction is same as Manual system, but guard gauge and guard power will be hidden

Manual Guard System

[Guard Power +Y%]

Base Guard Power

Shield                         : 7500
Two handed Sword    : 5000
Halberd                      : 2500 
Heavy Armor              : 5000

Guard Gauge Value = Base Guard Power + ([Base guard power/100] * Guard Power +Y%) 

Note: 7500 Guard power is 75 Guard Gauge value

1 Guard Gauge gives 1% Damage Resistance (Fractional, Magic and Physical)

Guard power only increase max guard gauge, not damage reduction. Guard damage reduction based on guard gauge

Guard power consumption is based on player Max HP vs damage taken

if total Guard Power Gauge is at 100 and less 

Guard Gauge Reduction = Total Guard Gauge - [(Damage taken / Max HP)*100 ]

If the damage ratio is more than your Guard gauge, then the guard gauge will break but damage reduction calculation will be based on max guard gauge reduction. Lets say the total guard gauge is 30, hence max damage reduction guard can reduce is 30%, even the ratio of damage to Max HP is more than 30.

The higher your Max HP, the lower the deduction of total guard power, and higher damage taken, the higher deduction of total guard power.

if total Guard Gauge above 100

Player will receive 1 damage due damage reduction by 100% from guard. Guard Gauge reduction is calculated as normal.

Perfectly-timed Guard

If player do perfectly-timed Guard, it reduce half of Guard Gauge reduction and Player will receive 1 damage even total Guard gauge is 30.

[Guard Recharge +Y%]

Base Guard Recharge time

Shield                         : (1% Guard Gauge per second) 
Two handed Sword    : (1% Guard Gauge per second)
Halberd                      : (1% Guard Gauge per second) 
Heavy Armor              : (0.5% Guard Gauge per second)

Guard gauge recharge rate [%/sec]  = (Base Guard Power/Total Guard power) + (0.0119* Guard Rate +Y%) 

ஜ════════ஜDrop Rateஜ════════ஜ

[Drop Rate +Y%]

- Increases the drop rate of items (obtained by you) by Y%. (Not to be confused with base drop rate, which is different)

ஜ══════ஜMotion Speedஜ══════ஜ

[Motion speed +Y%]

-Increases the animation speed of your attacks by Y%.

-Does not affect the countdown of cast/charge times.

(Does not stack with the Swift combo effect or Trigger Slash, since it cannot exceed 150%.)

ஜ══════ஜAdditional Meleeஜ══════ஜ

[Additional Melee +Y%]

- 25% chance to deal additional damage based on Y% of your ATK when using normal attacks.

-The damage is calculated as physical skill damage, but does not change proration.

Additional Magic Attack

- 25% chance to deal additional damage based on Y% of your MATK when using normal attacks.

-The damage is calculated as magical skill damage, but does not change proration


Melee Barrier +X (yellow icon)

- Once every 30 seconds, reduce physical damage taken by X.

-Damage cannot be reduced below 1.

Magic Barrier +X (magenta icon)

-Once every 30 seconds, reduce magical damage taken by X.

-Damage cannot be reduced below 1.

Fractional Barrier +Y% (teal icon)

- Once every 30 seconds, reduce fractional damage taken by Y% of your Max HP.

Damage cannot be reduced below 1.

Barrier Cooldown + Y%

- Changes the Cooldown Time of Barrier effects by Y%. Positive values shorten the Cooldown Time, while negative values prolong it.

Only available in multitudes of 10, which equals 3 seconds

ஜ══════ஜDamage reductionஜ══════ஜ

Damage Reduction (Special attack) +Y%

-Reduces damage taken from "special attack" red/blue zone attacks by Y%.

List of special attack


[Reflect +Y%]

- Reflects Y% of damage taken on the attacker.

Reflect deal fixed damage, ignoring all damage modifiers. 


[Recoil +Y%]

- Take Y% of damage dealt.

Recoil deal fixed damage, ignoring all damage modifiers.

ஜ════════ஜGuard Breakஜ════════ஜ

Guard Break +Y%

When you attack and the monster activates Guard, you have a Y% chance to negate that effect.

Not to be confused with the Status Ailment "Armor Break" which reduces DEF/MDEF


Anticipate the monster Evasion by +Y% chance when player attacking.

[Anticipate +Y%]

When you attack and the monster activates Evasion, you have Y% chance to negate that effect.


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